2023 Enrolments

Kinder Enrolments

We are currently finalising timetables and fees to be approved by School Council at their May meeting.  Then we will advise our current families on these decisions and publish on our website.  Please note the following from City of Monash in regards to 2023 enrolments. 


30th May – council to upload timetables to portal

1st June - council to email families to log in to portal and choose group preferences

30th June- cut off for registrations, changes & updates


Please ensure that you have updated the priority of access questions regarding attending 3 year old at Oakleigh PS kinder and/or had an older sibling who attended the kinder or is attending the school.


Week of 11th July – 1st round offers sent

· Families have 7 days to reply to offers

· Weekly offers will be made until all places are filled and/or all children placed

· Applications received after 30 June processed after round 3 offers have been sent


School Enrolments


Prep 2023 enrolments are now being accepted at Oakleigh Primary School.


Group Tours have now been scheduled for Term 2. If you would like to book in for one of the Tours listed below, please either email the school at oakleigh.ps@education.vic.gov.au with your contact details or call 9568 0558. You must show proof of your Covid 19 Vaccination to enter School buildings and thus participate in a Tour. 


All Tours commence at 9.30am.

1. Friday, 29th April

2. Tuesday, 17th May

3. Wednesday, 1st June


How to Enrol

A school Student Enrolment Form must be completed to enroll regardless of whether your child is at the kinder. Forms can be download from the Oakleigh Primary School website or collected from the Kinder or School Office.


Enrolment forms must be returned to the School office or Kinder with a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate, Immunisation Statement, any relevant Visa documentation (if applicable) and Passport if born overseas. Please contact the school if you are uncertain if your Visa status allows you to enroll directly through the school.