Teaching and Learning

Term 1 Summary Reports


Term 1 Summary Reports are available for parents to read on PAM. To find reports please go to: pam.sje.vic.edu.au, click on your child’s name and then click Assessment Reports. 


Please read and discuss the contents of your child's report with them. Students are to be congratulated on their application and efforts during Term 1 with the challenges presented by absences related to COVID. 


We understand this has been difficult for some students and your child's progress to date for Semester 1 may at this stage of the semester be Not Satisfactory for one or more subjects. This will be a result of your child not submitting all assessment tasks for that subject or having not yet submitted one or more tasks at a satisfactory standard. 


Your child's teachers will continue to work with your child to assist them in completing these tasks to the best of their ability. If they submit and meet the requirements of these Assessment Tasks, this will be reflected in their end of Semester 1 Report. 


Please support and monitor your child's progress with this. We encourage you to discuss any concerns with your child's teacher at the Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews. For those parents unable to attend, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange an opportunity for these discussions to occur.


Lisa Saillard

College Leader - Teaching and Learning