In and Out of The Classroom

Pluck Dissection
Congratulations on another successful and safely conducted dissection of a sheep's pluck (connected lungs and heart) with a bonus liver attached!
PCOS models & dissection
Students enjoying the hands on modelling and dissection.
Chess Zonial
On Tuesday 5th April, JMSS sent its most avid chess players to the BGS chess competition. We had three teams compete at the comp with JMSS team 1 going through to the next round. Congratulations to everyone in team 1 and Sam T, David P, David Y and Daniel D for being our most proficient players in the comp. Shout out to everyone who participated in the competition and also to Daniel, Paco, Mr Corkill and Dr Denney for making this possible and supervising us. If you are interested in playing in future competitions or want to play chess at school, feel free to come along to the chess club on Monday and Friday in the Wood bridge area and have a chat with our captains, Daniel and Paco.
By Arjun Mehta
Plastic Oceans Australia Greenhouse Gas Podcast
The POA group recently recorded a podcast about Greenhouse gases.
The students involved in the podcast are as listed:
Nargis Mozafari |
Kripa Shrestha |
Yuyan Ma |
Sofia Young |
Eunise Chen |
Puneet Badireddi |
You tube clip -
The POA Media Captains: Shruthi Mahendra and Muntaka Naoar
Blackburn House Games
Friday fun assembly with Blackburn house!
Positive Education
Feeling Tired? Getting Enough Sleep?
Did you know?
Poor sleep quantity and quality can significantly impair your child’s health, wellbeing and achievement. Studies have shown that getting too little sleep can result in the following:
- Reduced ability to form new memories, consolidate learning and ability to problem solve.
- Less effective immune system function which impacts on the body’s ability to defend itself against infectious disease.
- Impaired emotional regulation which can contribute to emotional “overreaction” and a decreased ability to make rational decisions.
- Decreased energy, motivation and focus.
In 2021 JMSS embarked on our exploration into the importance of quality sleep and this year we continued our journey towards Positive Health, Positive Accomplishment and Positive Engagement. During Term 1 all Year 10 and 11 students, as part of their orientation program, participated in workshops that addressed this important topic. During these sessions and in subsequent mentor sessions all JMSS staff and students explored practical and simple strategies such as those listed below.
- Go to bed at the same time everyday.
- Prioritise sleep (it is recommended that 14-17 year olds get 8-10 hours and 18-25 year olds get 7-9 hours per day).
- Turn off any LED screens incl. TVs, computers, mobile phones an hour before bed.
- Avoid or reduce caffeine intake especially after lunchtime.
- Dim the room lights an hour before bedtime.
- Get some exercise during the day (preferably outdoors) but avoid it close to bedtime.
We encourage all parents and guardians to discuss with their children how they can make simple changes that can produce significant benefits for how they feel and perform the next day. Maybe even explore the JMSS ProTips site together to learn more about these strategies and many others. Or read Professor Matthew Walker's book, Why We Sleep, which inspired our Sleep journey and is available in the school library.
Want to find out more? Try visiting this site or watch this interview with Professor Walker.