
Leadership Camp
Students in leadership positions had a leadership day camp on Monday 2nd May to learn how to collaborate better and be more effective leaders. The day was broken up into four sessions:
The first session was run by Mr. Corkill and was about what it actually means to be a leader, no matter what title you might have, and how important it is to have confident and competent leaders in our society.
The second was about the expectations of being a leader, in both a practical sense, but also in how important the contributions everyone makes are, and how leaving even small things as your legacy can be impactful.
The third was a Q&A with former JMSS student leaders, where they spoke about what it was like for them and how that compares with now, what sort of projects they worked on, and what they learned as a result. (Just an aside: I know it's cheesy, but I would like to add how special JMSS is, because you could see the excitement in their eyes when talking about being in a leadership position they left years ago).
The last was just working time, so the student leaders can bring more fun activities and programs to the school community.
By Ruby Nathan - Valentine
Music Camp
From the 12th to 14th of May, I was one of the many students who attended Music Camp. In total, there were 64 students, 8 staff and 3 alumni, Yijie Neo, dux of the school from 2017, and Wei Keat Lim and Ariel Smolic from 2021.
Music Camp was jam-packed with various activities organised by the music captains. The first day kicked off with a music practice session. What’s a music camp without a music rehearsal? Everyone who attended participated in the music rehearsal, whether they knew how to play an instrument or not! After playing our hearts out, we went on a beach walk where we watched the sunset with our friends and had some splashes. Lastly, the day closed off with dinner and a very intense game of trivia. We got into groups across various year levels and put our general knowledge and musical brains to the test! To many of the students’ dismay, the teachers won the trivia.
Day Two of Music Camp rolls around and it starts with an activity where you are given a song and mood and you have to match the song to the mood. It was amazing to see the musical creativity and talent everyone has, from a sad rendition of “All-Star” to a slam-poetry inspired “Girl on Fire”. After another music rehearsal, Mr Cseszko organised a karaoke session, where we sang along to many classics.
We even had a live band playing for us! After a very hectic day, everyone settled down and was getting ready for the anticipated talent show. We had a range of performances and it was incredible to see how much talent everyone had to offer. At the end of the night, everyone grabbed their torches and found themselves sticks to roast marshmallows with. The campfire was a wonderful way to gather with everyone, where we sat, talked and sang some songs.
Music Camp is a terrific opportunity to meet new people across all year levels and share your love for music with others. I, myself, was able to make lots of new friends as well as strengthen the relationships I already had.
Lastly, many thanks to the staff, specifically Mr Smyth, Mr Delves, Mr and Mrs Cseszko, Mr Key, Ms Irwin-Ray and Ms Chen for coming and taking care of us. And, of course, the music captains who organised such a wonderful and enjoyable camp for everyone.
By Teagan Dao