
Anzac Day
Being a part of the Australian Defence Force Cadets, has allowed me to develop my self discipline, qualities of leadership, initiative and self reliance. The Australian Defence Force Cadets allow everyone regardless of their personal identity to join like minded people that have interest in the defence force.
Being able to partake in the Anzac day ceremony, allowed us to pay our respect to the soldiers who have fought for our freedom, and to honour those who have fallen in battle. Anzac day is a day where it symbolises the unity of one and another, to come together to recongise the sacrifices demonstrated on the shores of Gallipoli.
Angus Chu
Students pictured alongside Mr Corkill & Mr Chisholm are:- Angus Chu, Lachlan Earle, Satwick Nayak Karopady, Don Sampras (Sampras) Kiriella and Sugun (Sunny) Burli.
Worlds Greatest Shave
Twelve of our students are participating in the World's Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation and they’re on a mission to shave the world from blood cancer!
Liam Bowles, Leo Dimos, Vibha Srinivasan and Dulvin Bandara are shaving their heads at school on the 31st of May during lunch. During the weekend before, Aabshaar Ahmad, Reese Firme, Benjamin Russell and Cameron Robinson plan on shaving their head whereas Nikki Li, Emily Loh, Taite McKenzie and Emily Pham plan on donating more than 20cm of their hair.
Our school’s goal is to reach $10,000 and we’re already at 7K. Please donate to also see more of our teachers do the ice bucket challenge as an extra incentive to donate. Thank you all for the continued support <3
Thanks for the help,
Your School Captains
We are so proud of all the students participating! Good luck on reaching that goal of 10k!!
Monash University’s Girls in Physics Breakfast
Recently, twelve of our students had the brilliant opportunity to attend Monash University’s annual Girls in Physics Breakfast. This event celebrates women with careers in physics, and inspires female students to pursue a pathway in the discipline.
This year’s guest speaker was Dr Amanda Karakas. Her presentation “stars as chemical element factories” focused on the origins of the periodic table’s elements as a result of stellar activity. Her research unveiled how elements not only originate from the fusion that occurs at high temperatures in stars, but also through the collapse of stars and collisions between highly dense stars.
Students also had the opportunity to interact with numerous professionals and university students in the fields of physics and engineering, meet other like-minded students from other schools with a passion for physics, and explore career pathways.
I’m sure that everyone was able to take a lot out of this experience, and that we all enjoyed the opportunity to spend the morning learning new things while enjoying a nice breakfast. A huge thank you to Ms Grainger who organised this event for the students and accompanying us to the event!
By Leonie Chim