Jeremy Mackinnon
Assistant Principal
Jeremy Mackinnon
Assistant Principal
To the JMSS Community,
Student Events
Term 2 is well underway and so much has happened already. In this newsletter, you will hear students’ accounts of the Leadership Camp and the Yr 12 Formal, but I would also like to make special mention of these events. I am in such a privileged position to assist in contributing to the organisation of events such as these. However, it is our students’ amazing ability to ‘through themselves in’ that makes these events so special.
The Leadership camp was a fantastic opportunity for our elected leaders to think about the legacy they wish to leave behind and then have time to work with others to develop plans for the rest of the year. The Yr 12 Formal was a great opportunity for over 200 of our students to dress up and hang out and have some all important… fun! It was so pleasing to see our students laughing, smiling and dancing the night away.
Student Absences
This term has presented lots of challenges for our students. Many of them have had extended absences due to sickness. This has put a lot of pressure on the school’s resources to support students, both when they are away and catching them up upon return. I am constantly amazed by our students’ level of resilience and optimism. So many have taken these setbacks in their stride. On the other hand, some students have found their circumstances when studying from home too challenging. Many have been too sick to do any work at all for an extended period of time. I have been so proud of these students who show fantastic self-awareness and help-seeking skills to ask for help upon their return to school.
I would like to again use this opportunity to remind students and their parents/guardians of the responsibility we all play in keeping each other safe and healthy. To minimise the spread of colds and viruses, any student that is unwell must stay home. This is not only respectful to others but allows the sick student to rest and recover. Please remember to email if a students tests positive to COVID.
Attitudes to School Survey
I’d like to remind the community about the upcoming Attitudes to School Survey. Students must be at school by 8.30 am on Friday 27th May. This survey is an important part of student voice at the school, as we use the data generated to adjust our practice. An example of this was the student survey completed towards the end of Term 1. The school then viewed this data and used it alter some aspects of the upcoming peck assessment period. We strongly encourage all students to give the most accurate feedback possible and hope they see this survey as an opportunity for their thoughts and opinions to be heard.
Exam and SAC period
The end of Semester 1 is a peck assessment period, with all students across all year levels completing assessment tasks. It is important that students are regularly revising the content covered in class and ensuring they are prepared for this assessment period. Over the next few weeks, Mentor will be going over tips and strategies on how to prepare for exams. The few bits of advise I wish to communicate is to ensure students look after themselves physically and mentally in the lead up to, and during, this assessment period. Students should ensure they eat well, get enough sleep and do physical activity for a least 30 minutes per day. Students should also ensure they have cognitive down-time and device-free time; board games and reading are two great ways to achieve this.
New School Counsellor
Finally, I wish to introduce the school to our new counsellor - Sam Goode. She is full-time and located on the middle bridge area on Level 1 with the rest of the Wellbeing Team. We are really excited about the energy, experience, expertise and enthusiasm that Sam brings, but most importantly… I know the students will love her. I invite the students to drop in and say hi to her over the coming days. Remember, if anyone needs to get in touch with Wellbeing, just email
Jeremy Mackinnon
Assistant Principal