Key Dates & Updates

Key Dates
Term 2 - 2022
Monday 30, May - JMSS Staff PD day - No students required on site
Tuesday 31, May - Worlds Greatest Shave
Friday 3 June - Year 10 & 11 exams begin
Friday 10 June - Year 10 Science Immersion Day
Monday, 13 June - Queens Birthday (Public Holiday)
Friday 17 June - General Assembly
Sunday19 June -Thursday 30 June - Reef & Rainforest Trip
Friday, 24 June - End of Term 2 ( early dismissal)
Monday, 11 July - Term 3 returns
Sunday 17 July- Friday 5 August - Regional Science Exchange
Stay Connected
JMSS Website -
Email -
Facebook -@johnmonashscienceschool
Twitter - @johnmonash
Linkedin - > john-monash-science-school
Emerging Sciences Victoria -
Regional Exchange Program
COVID-19 Updates
For all up to date COVID information, links, portals and correspondence for parents and students, please check our JMSS website.
This landing page will all have the most up to date information and will be updated regularly by the dedicated COVID Case management team.
Sanitiser Stations
There are numerous hand sanitiser stations around the school and a large station at the entry way. We ask all students and staff arriving and leaving to use these automatic dispensers throughout the day.