Library News

Dear Students and Staff,
I hope you have all been having a great start to a busy Term 2!
With the library space having undergone a refurbishment I hope you have all been able to come up and enjoy the new area.
Have a look around as we have been living the space right and some collections have moved around a little.
It has been fantastic to have my desk out in the library area and have really enjoyed having many of you come up with questions about the resources, books and using the library!
Here are some resources both for your personal reading and studies to help you to start Term 2 off well:
All of the following resources can be found on the student portal and accessed directly.
Overdrive eBooks:
Our library subscribes to Overdrive, a service offering a great selection of both eBooks and eAudiobooks. Listening to eAudiobooks in particular is a great way to give your eyes a rest from the screen and have narrators tell a story.
A good challenge and a fun way to enjoy your personal reading is to start up a GoodReads account! You can start tracking what you’ve read and even challenge yourself with the Goodreads personal annual reading challenge. There is no pressure and it is a fun way to track your personal reading, seeing your online bookshelf is a great wat to see what kind of books you really enjoy and what you read most of. This can lead you to trying new genres and even suggested reads from GoodReads.
ClickView library:
There is also a ClickView library dedicated to movies based on books and also to some book club videos where participants discuss specific books/writers and also talk about the writing process and/or our relationship with books.
This library can be found on ClickView by navigating to ClickView Digital Video Library/ Books, writers and writing.
Here is a direct link.
The SLV and Public Libraries: Sign up today!
Signing up to the State Library Victoria (SLV) is a really helpful resource and beneficial for your research. Signing up is free, can be done online and you will have access to all their databases and journals online.
Sign up to State Library Victoria (SLV) to become a member: Sign Up
1. free to join
2. access academic journal articles
Video 'Get to know State Library Victoria's online resources'
Please remember that public libraries have fantastic online resources. If you are already a member of your public library it is worth looking into what they can offer online and if you aren’t already a member you can sign up easily online to be a member and have immediate access to their online resources. Their online resources often include: eBooks and eAudiobooks, online magazine publications, subscriptions to services such as and video streaming services.
Resources to help with your studies:
Britannica School Online:
Britannica school is a great place to start when researching new areas of interest. You can find articles, images, dictionary definitions and videos which are all easy to cite using the inbuilt citation tool. To access Britannica School please use the link on the student portal as it is set up with automatic sign on.
Issues in Society:
We have the online .pdf versions of Issues in Society a very current and Australian focused publication which tackles interesting issues facing society in a graphic and easy to follow format with up to date statistics, illustrations and graphs. We also have the current issues in print at the library!
Here is a direct link to our site and it can also be found on the portal.
The latest editions are:
vol.468 Positive and Respectful Relationships
vol.469 Rights of Children and Young People
vol.470 Unemployment and Underemployment
vol.471 Australias Relations with China
vol.472 Coping with Natural Disasters
New Scientist Essential Guides:
We now subscribe to the New Scientist Essential Guides as print resources and have received our first editions focusing on:
New Books at the library:
We have some great new books at the library as well as Lamont book reviews:
The cult of romance by Sarah Ayoub
Family of liars by E. Lockhart
Grace back on the court by Maddy Proud
Skandar and the unicorn thief by A.F. Steadman
Tracks of the missing by Carl Merrison
We who hunt the hollow by Kate Murray
Library Book Club:
For any students interested we have a Library Book Club. We will start our fortnightly meetings on Wednesdays 10 min into lunchtime at the library - next meeting Wednesday 25/05/22. This is a great way to stay connected and to join in the discussion with other students who love to read, please let me (Ms. Veldsman) know if you would like to join! Everyone is welcome!
February Book Review: The Truths and Triumphs of Grace Atherton by Anstey Harris
The Truths and Triumphs of Grace Atherton is a beautiful story about a woman poised on some big changes in her life. After a scandal makes many issues in her long-standing relationship clearer she has to consider how to move forward and what is important to her in her life. Ultimately, this book is about finding your tribe and recognizing the beauty in others especially those close to you. It is also about realizing and chasing your dreams and in not allowing fear to de-rail you on your journey.
A lovely book with a strong female lead.
Have a great rest of the term and best of luck with upcoming studies and SACs!
Take Care All!
Ms. Veldsman