Principal's Report

Hello families, 

This term has started with such enthusiasm and positivity. We are grateful for this as we know that so many in the world are managing very challenging situations. We send them strength. 


We want to talk about KINDNESS at Clovelly Park Primary School. The Golden Rule in our Play is the Way philosophy encourages kindness. Kindness is such an important topic in today’s society. We know that there will always be something to challenge us in life but if we support one another, these challenges hopefully, will be overcome. 

What does kindness look like, sound like and feel like to children? During ‘kindness club’ this week Ms Emma & Ms Kylie worked with a group of students and discussed all things relevant to kindness. Students described kindness as sharing and playing with someone, checking on someone when they are hurt, opening doors, picking things up when someone drops them and helping others with their work. One of the students spoke about kindness feeling like their “head and body were happy”. The consensus was that kindness is ‘catchy’ and a trait that we value, which makes us work towards growing it every day at Clovelly Park Primary School. 

The group of students were busy noticing acts of kindness that their peers had demonstrated during break times and in class, with the intention to continue to support others to grow kindness at our school. When parents and school work together to support children, children grow more meaningfully and holistically. We would like your support to grow our ‘kindness movement’. Parents can inspire kindness at home by role modelling and encouraging children to perform acts of kindness. 

We hope you enjoy taking part in growing kindness as much as we do.


The National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing has now been finalised. Students in Year 3 & Year 5 undertook these tests from May 10th until May 19th. Students seemed proud and committed to doing well in these assessments. We look forward to receiving the reports and results when they arrive in August. We thank you and the staff of our school for supporting children through what can be for some, a nervous time.


Monday 23rd May is Photo Day. We look forward to seeing our students arrive at school wearing our uniform and looking ‘photo ready’ – hair and teeth brushed, face washed, clean clothes and a big smile, ready for the camera. Please make sure that you make purchases online before Monday. A ‘catch up’ session will be available if your child is absent. 


The City of Marion Council has reviewed the situation which has highlighted that the existing timed 'No Stopping' zone operational between the hours of 8:00am-9:30am and 2:00pm-4:00pm Monday to Friday is currently not installed correctly, which allows a vehicle to park unrestricted at all times west of the driveway of 1A Renown Place.  The restriction will now be extended further west to incorporate this section of on-street parking, up to the existing yellow edge line will represent 'No Stopping at all times.'  

Please see notice below: 


Sending you kindness, 

Kylie Tuckey

Acting Principal - on behalf of the Leadership Team