A New Chapter 


During May work has continued with the exciting plans for our new library and as a school we have participated in National Simultaneous Storytime. 


Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in schools and libraries around Australia to promote the value of reading and literacy. Classes then year enjoyed listening to Family Tree, an excellent picture book by Josh Pyke and Ronojoy Ghosh, and exploring the beautiful natural setting and trees of John Paul II. This allowed students to imagine the many stories John Paul II students have woven under these trees over the past 39 years and encouraged two of our students to provide some inspiring quotes about John Paul II.


“It is special privilege that we have a great school like John Paul II and the library is also great. Reading can help us learn a lot of different things that can help us to grow and embrace change. John Paul is the most unique school, and it allows us to be free to follow our dreams.”

Adnan Saifullah - 3/4 Blackwood


“John Paul II is special because there are lots of unique talents and that makes it a special place. It’s also special because people love reading and the library will be really special because lots of special people will go there.”

Madeleine Henwood - 3/4 Blackwood



By Kathryn Jaeger  

Teacher Librarian / Head of Library