Kinder, Prep & Grade 1

Some very clever and inspiring work is being done in our Kinder, Prep and Grade 1 classrooms. 



We have been learning lots of skills to help us with our literacy. In the morning, we spend time practising the different shapes needed to form letters. We start by doing circles, magic 'c's and lines. Mrs Lange then chooses 3 letters for us to practise. We have learnt that at school you are allowed to pinch, but we can ONLY pinch our pencils! We have been practising and learning about rhyming words and syllables. We can identify different words that rhyme because they sound the same at the end. Our favourite thing is to laugh when Mrs Lange says two words that don't rhyme! We can clap the syllables in words, take the syllables away and blend them back together. We're so good at this that we think that we should move to Prep!


Mrs Lange | Kindergarten Teacher 




Prep has been learning about the value of money. 

As a part of a  STEM activity with our Grade 5/6 buddies we were given the brief to design a money box out of recyclable materials. Once our designs were complete we needed to make our designs.

Here are what a few Prep students thought about the activity.


William "I liked working with my two buddies". 

Luka "I liked playing and working with my buddy".

Hannah "I liked cutting and glueing paper".

Charley S "I liked cutting out and working with my buddy",

Matilda "My favourite part of making my money boxes was creating a tail".


Mrs Rickards | Prep Teacher






During the Month of May we have been learning about Mary. In learning about Mary, children find they can relate to having a loving mother. We want the children to know that Mary is our loving mother in heaven, whom we can call on for help. 


We recite and explore the Hail Mary Prayer and create a class group mural which is on display outside our classroom. I also asked the children to create a thought bubble expressing something they have learned about Mary, what they might say or ask if they met her or how they think she felt at the time of his birth or his death. 


Mrs Singleton | Grade 1 Teacher



Next fortnight we look forward  to sharing work from Grade 2 to Grade 6.