Family Time with Frankie & Reuben

This year we welcomed students Frankie and Reuben to Grade 1 and  3 respectively.  Rosie their mum has also been volunteering with us. Let's find out how this beautiful family from Cremorne have settled into their new school.


Family: David, Rosie, Reuben and Frankie 


Lives in: Cremorne


What is your favourite way to spend time with your family?

We love camping with friends and playing at the beach and jumping into waterholes. 


Number of students attending JPII and their grade:  

Reuben, Grade 3 and Frankie, Grade 1.


What made JPII your school of choice for your children and family?

We returned to Tasmania after almost 6 years away in Queensland and found ourselves living over this side of the river (I, Rosie, grew up on the other side ☺) and when researching what schools were close by John Paul II came up. It’s an obvious choice for us as we want the environment of a Catholic school; the beliefs and values and pastoral care. We came from a small Catholic school in Qld and that was a beautiful experience, so it made sense to try JPII.


What has your JPII experience been like for your children/family?

It has been very positive. We really appreciated Brendan’s warmth and welcome particularly as we were brand new this year. The children are happy to go to school each day and honestly, as parents, that’s what we hope for!


What is your child's favourite thing about coming to school?

Morning fitness is a hit in our family (as well as the piece of toast!) Both children love their teachers.


You are volunteering at JPII presently. Can you tell us what you do as a volunteer at JPII and what your experience as a volunteer has been like?

I am in-between jobs at the moment and knew that I could offer some of my time to volunteer in the school. I’m doing the Multilit program that supports students with their literacy abilities, and it’s been a wonderful way to feel more connected to the school and get a sense of the community that our children are part of. I find volunteering is always enriching.


Lastly, would you recommend JPII to other families?

Yes, we would!


Thank you David, Rosie, Reuben and Frankie for being our Family Time family this newsletter.