Finley and Will are creating fraction representations using unifix cubes to develop their understanding of fraction representation using the length model. To ensure that they are working towards conceptual understanding they are also using the area model. It is important that students are exposed to various fractional models when learning fractions. It will allow students to determine which model is suitable for them to develop their understanding of fractions. Students also need to record their thinking when engaging is task and activities. This task encourages mathematical discourse amongst students and reflection on their learning.


Zoe and Zaina are also developing their understanding of fractions. They are playing the fraction dice game. The aim of this game is to shade in the fraction that is represented on the dice on their Fraction Wall. The student who shades in the most is the winner. This game becomes difficult as it progresses. Students have to find equivalent fractions as well as simplify their result. This game engages students in reasoning and problem solving linked to fractions.