Year 12 Outdoor and Environmental Studies students attended their 3 day camp to Wadawurrung Country to collect data and examples from the environment to refer to in our SAC and end of year exam.


Wednesday, we visited the Torquay surf museum to look at the factors influencing societal relationships with outdoor environments, including the effects of different technological development within the surfing industry.


The Thursday we were treated to an indigenous studies walk at Point Addis, where we learnt about the unique Australian landscape and how it shaped Australia as well as the relationships the Wadawurrung community had with the land and the influence Europeans had on their relationship with the environment. We walked along and looked at examples of food gathered and animals hunted.Our other activity for the day was stand up paddle boarding on the Anglesea River known as the by the Wadawurrung traditional name ‘Knarka-dorla’. 


Lots of fun was had pushing people off their boards and exploring the local area.

Friday morning we volunteered our time weeding the Anglesea health with the local conservation group ANGAIR. Lots of land was cleared as we removed the invasive sallow wattle tree and bone seed. 


We finished off our trip by completing our first unit 3 and 4 SAC sitting next to Knarka-Dorla, a fitting place for our first assessment.


We had great weather each day, which made for a great trip. We can’t say the same for the mooing cows located next to our campsite that were VERY loud on our first night!


Thank you very much for a great camp!