Koorie education 

and engagement



On Friday 1 April, 8 Koorie students attended the Koorie Youth Summit at Willum Warrain (Hastings Gathering Place).  The day involved Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from our local secondary schools, celebrating Aboriginal arts and culture.  There were three deadly performers sharing their skills, knowledge and history with us. Students were able to collaborate on a group art installation about culture, youth and future aspirations. Students also yarned with other Aboriginal young people, learn more about Willum Warrain and received a cultural showbag.




On Monday evening, EMC was able to host a ‘Campfire Conversation’ as part of the Self Determination in Education reforms by the Victorian Government, with 26 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students (current and past), family members and community members in attendance.  


The event was opened by the Bunurong Land Council with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony.


The purpose of the campfires, storytelling and deep listening was to:

  • provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities opportunities to define self-determination in education.
  • explore possibilities for how self-determination could and should look in education.
  • build and strengthen partnerships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and schools.
  • highlight the benefits of self-determination for whole school communities. 
  • improve attendance, engagement and achievement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners. 
  • develop a range of changes to improve agency and success for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in schools. 

Campfire Conversations are part of the Victorian Department of Education and Training state-wide consultation and co-design process to develop reform options that progress Aboriginal self-determination in the education system. The findings and reflections from these conversations will be used to design a range of reform options that will be implemented in 2023.  


If you weren't able to make it, but would like to provide feedback from the perspective of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parent, carer, student or connected family member/kin, there is an online feedback option that will be open until Wednesday 13 April.  Please share your thoughts, stories and ideas here: https://forms.gle/33u4S47R6FK6xrqA7