Principal Introduction

Dear EMC Community,


Term 1, 2022 has been a welcome return to onsite learning and the first full term since Term 4 2019. I wanted to recognise the hard work and commitment of students and staff as they showed resilience and flexibility with each and every challenge that was presented. 


The second half of this term has seen the extra curriculum programs come to life. These programs make our College such a wonderful environment and really promote the THRIVE framework, Try your best, be Healthy, Relate well, get Involved, live your Values and enjoy positive Emotions. We have seen the running of subject specific camps, excursions, incursions, sports events and of course the College Open night. 


The College Open Night was well attended by community members, but more importantly by staff and students who are proud of our College and the great work that has been done during term 1, 2022. I really encourage parents in Year 7 and 8 to engage in community based events to gain a perspective on the educational journey of their children at EMC. These perspectives have been missing over the last 2 years.


As always the EMC students continue to represent our college with pride, ensuring that our community can be proud of the work that the College does in supporting young adults to THRIVE. 


This week we have our Year 7 camp, and at the end of a very big term I wanted to thank the staff that have gone above and beyond to make sure that this key transition event takes place. The Year 7 students that left for camp on Monday were excited and ready for a wonderful three days at the Ranch. I am very confident that the students will have opportunities to be challenged with the range of activities on offer, along with making new friendship that will serve them well on their journey through secondary school, as we continue to build a strong sense of belonging and engagement at EMC. 


Last week we had the first senior students v staff sport match - Netball. I wanted to congratulate the staff on their success and going one up, in the hunt for the exclusive and converted sports trophy. 

Elisabeth Murdoch College is proud to be an active advocate for our Indigenous community. This week we had the pleasure of hosting a ‘Campfire Conversation’ as part of the Self Determination in Education reforms by the Victorian Government, with 26 current and past Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students , family members and community members in attendance.  


The event was opened by the Bunurong Land Council with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony. It was a wonderful learning opportunity for the group as we listened to the importance of reconciliation, connection to land, values and beliefs that underpin the longest living culture in the world. 


Two weeks ago I had the unique pleasure of attending the Marrung Scholarship Ceremony, where we were able to acknowledge the outstanding achievements of Dean Lang and Jenaya Bartlett. Both students were presented with a Marrung Education Scholarship, recognizing their achievements and engagement in education and most importantly their leadership. Both Dean and Jenaya are active role models for all students at our College and are to be congratulated on this recognition. 


Easter is a wonderful time for reflection. As we head into a well deserved break I wanted to thank parents / carers for their continued support of the College and the policies and process that assist us in achieving success for each and every student. Prior to the pandemic our College was a very calm and orderly environment and this underpinned our success and support for students. 


This Term we have witnessed some changes in student behaviour which have prompted us to reaffirm with the community our policies and processes related to an orderly environment. The College has done some work around a number of policies and I ask that you take the time to consider these with your student(s), to ensure that they understand and are able to comply with these expectations. Creating a safe and orderly environment is everyone's responsibility and ensures that everyone can be successful at school.  


We have recently experienced an increase in the use of e-cigarettes (vapes) across the College. In response to this unsafe behaviour, we have taken our knowledge / understanding and actions to develop a draft smoking / vaping ban policy for parents consideration. This policy also includes links to health advice for parents / carers. Please note that the College takes the health and wellbeing of our students very seriously and will enact this policy consistently where a student is found to be smoking or vaping onsite or whilst travelling to and from school.


In addition to this we provide for your consideration the Mobile Phone policy and the Dress Code policy. There have been some technical amendments to the Dress Code policy, including clarity around general appearance, sun smart, uniform exemptions and policy communication. These amendments are in preparation for the review of section 2.2 College Uniform component of the Dress Code policy. At the uniform Sub Committee meeting this week, it was agreed that an independent community research group will be engaged in order to consult with the community and support the review of the Dress Code policy. They will collect and synthesize data and report to the College Council Uniform sub committee. 


In the coming days you will also receive a feedback communication about a proposed change to the College Sports Uniform and the addition of a new style of pants for students to consider. As you prepare for the colder weather it is especially important that parents, carers and students are fully aware of the uniform expectations as set by College Council and that they comply with this policy. 


The College policies a can be viewed on the College website. 


Finally the College was advised on Wednesday that The Victorian Government has announced it is extending the rapid antigen test (RAT) screening program for the first 4 weeks of Term 2. We will continue to provide students with RAT tests in a fortnightly cycle. If you have any question please contact the College on 9788 2600.


I truly appreciate the cooperation and support from all families this term, it has been a term full of learning and growth for all of us. 


I would like to wish everyone a safe and replenishing break, if you are going away please drive safely. I look forward to Term 2 with hope and aspiration as we continue to emerge from the pandemic, and support every student to be successful in their learning. 



Kind Regards, 


Dean King
