Holy Saviour School Bulletin
On Sunday we celebrate women and the significant role played in mothering. Whether you are a Mother, Grandmother, Godmother, Aunt or significant person in the lives of others, never underestimate the power of your influence, the gift you bring and the presence you have in the lives of others.
This week our students have been busily reflecting and preparing for Mother’s day and it is evident to hear them discuss how important these special women in their life are. We would like to thank all the Mother’s who gave up their time to organise and run our Mother’s day stall on Wednesday. A huge thank you to Denise Konstantinou who sourced all the gifts and created the gift bags and to Bridget O'Regan Belinda Saville, Grace Theodoratos, Fran Byrne-Dimos and Narelle Diamandis for helping out on the day.
Nowadays, we are extremely dependent on the internet for information in our daily lives. However, does that information always bring us the right answers? As you might know, search engines such as Google tend to provide us with information depending on our formulated questions or keywords, therefore the data we get is not always relevant. Instead, we should lean on libraries.
All of our students have access to our library application, Oliver. Oliver is a web-based learning, teaching, information and library management tool that can be accessed through the Holy Saviour Student Portal. It delivers around the clock, anywhere, anytime access to our school library resources. Take the time to ask your child to open it and you can browse the amazing range of books our library has to offer.
Please CLICK HERE to complete a very brief library survey with your children. We want to ensure we keep our library stocked with relevant and engaging resources to keep children reading books that they enjoy.
BOOST Program
Congratulations to all our children engaged in the Holy Saviour BOOST programs. These students have been making significant improvements in english / maths and this is helping to increase student engagement and self efficacy. We are so proud of these tremendous gains. We appreciate the parent feedback and all the support we have received.
Interschool sports
This week our grade 5/ 6 students began Interschool sports again. This week we played against Jells Park Primary. The excitement however of getting on a bus, far outweighed whether we won or lost! The students were supportive of each other and had fun meeting students from another school. Well done grade 5’s and 6’s!
ROUNDERS - Holy Saviour defeated Jells Park 30 - 18
SOCCER - Jells Park defeated Holy Saviour 1 - 7
NETBALL - Holy Saviour defeated Jells Park 9 - 6
Bouncing Back
In BOUNCE BACK this term our students are focusing on people Bouncing Back with the value of Responsibility.
Responsibility is something we all need to learn. By helping your child develop responsibility, you are helping them reach their full potential. Responsibility involves making decisions, being trusted, and learning to take credit for one’s actions—whether good or bad.
Discussion points from the classroom:
- I am learning that when I feel angry at school (in the classroom or in the playground) I can calm down …….splash water on my face, go for a walk, go to a chill out zone, shoot some basketballs, do some deep breathing
- I am learning that I can always ask for help if I need it – from my teacher, my parents, my friends,
- I am learning that I can bounce back from hard situations – just like a ball
- I am learning that it is normal to have ups and downs in life
- I am learning that for all of us life is pretty good but it can be challenging and difficult at times
Book Club
The issue 3 Scholastic Book Club catalogue was sent home last week. Please submit all orders by Friday 13th May, 4pm. To view the catalogue online and place your order please click here.
Cadbury Fundraiser - Reminder
Thank you to everyone who was able to take and sell Cadbury Chocolate boxes. Just a reminder to those families who may still have money / unsold chocolates, please return these to the school at your earliest convenience. As always, thank you for your support!
Second Hand Uniforms
Second hand uniforms are currently set up in the office. If anyone is interested in purchasing a second hand uniform, please either come in and speak with either Tarnia or Kerry or email the office with your request and sizing requirements and we will check to see if the item is available. If it is, we will notify you. All we charge for second hand uniforms is a gold coin donation. Please note however that not all sizes and items will be in stock.
Next week grade 3's and grade 5's will be completing NAPLAN online for the first time. NAPLAN will run from 10th - 20th May.
All tests will be online except for the grade 3's writing. Below is a website which shows what the new online testing looks like and gives demonstration questions to the students that they can practice on at home.
Holy Saviour Festival Toy Stall
Although it seems early, Gr3/4EW would like to let you know that we are having a second hand TOY STALL at the Festival in November. We're hoping that if you're doing any clearing out over the holidays, you might save old toys for our stall. From a curriculum perspective we will learn about pricing, counting and handling money and categorising items. We ask that everything be clean and in working order. Your child/ren can drop items at our classroom any time from now.
In anticipation of your support,
Save the Date - Bunnings BBQ
Great news! We are very fortunate to have been allocated a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on Saturday 4th June at Vermont South Bunnings. As well as being an iconic Aussie tradition, the sausage sizzle will enable the school to raise important funds every cent of which goes to purchasing assets that are used by our students each day in their schooling. To make this day a success we are calling on our parent community to volunteer their time, please keep an eye out over the next few days for our volunteer survey!
Year 6 to Year 7 Transition
For families wanting to enrol their child in a government secondary school in 2023 please refer to the following document:
This is the Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Information and Enrolment Pack for students attending Primary Non-Government Schools (Catholic & Independent) wishing to apply to a Government Secondary School.
This form is not relevant to those students who have applied to Catholic or Private Secondary schools. Please contact the office if you require a hard copy. All forms must be returned to the school no later than Friday 13th May.
Little Learners is Back for 2022!!!
Our Little Learners Program is starting next week! This program will run over five weeks in Term 2 and will provide opportunities for all 3 year old and 4 year old Kinder children and their parents to experience school life at Holy Saviour. Each session will run for 40 minutes and focus on a different subject area each week. Please feel free to pass the attached flyer onto any parents of 3 & 4 year old children.
Excel Music Lesson Program
If your child is interested in music lessons in guitar, keyboard or drums. Please complete an enrolment form and return it either to the office or email it directly to music@excelmusic.com.au. More information about Excel Music can be foundhere.
Holy Saviour Community Festival & Twilight Cinema
The Holy Saviour Community Festival and Twilight Cinema is scheduled for SATURDAY 12TH NOVEMBER!
Please take a moment to complete this quick survey regarding the Holy Saviour festival from our Festival Committee.
Please click here or scan below:
School Tours and 2023 Enrolments
Enrolments for Prep 2023 are now open and we encourage all families to submit their applications as soon as possible. Please book your school tour online on the school website or call Tarnia or Kerry in our front office to book a school tour.
2022 Flyers
We are looking for walkers who would be happy to take our flyers out to the community. We distribute to ALL kinders and childcare centres but it’s always good that they go into letterboxes as well. Feel free to pick up a few fliers in our office to give to neighbours with young children, Catholic or not, they are welcome to visit. Or email office@hsvs.catholic.edu.au and we will send some home to you. Thank you to the parents who have already taken a pile to deliver.
Catholic Secondary School Enrolment Applications
I take this opportunity to remind parents of children in grade 5, that you must have your Catholic Secondary College application for Year 7, 2024 submitted directly to the college of your choice. It is essential that you have your application submitted by the due date. The following dates will be used by catholic secondary schools for Year 5 students in 2021 who will be enrolling in Year 7 for 2024. These are:
- 28th January 2022 – Applications opened for Year 5 students commencing Year 7 in 2024.
- 19th August 2022 – Applications will close.
- 2st October 2022 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.
- 11th November 2022 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.
Happy Mothers Day