Around the Grounds

Pictured: Year 9 Urban Adventures in the CBD

April 8 - May 13

Top Screen 2022

Miranda, Aiden, Haresh, Isabella, Karina, Lara, Oscar and John
Miranda, Aiden, Haresh, Isabella, Karina, Lara, Oscar and John

During the holidays the Huntingtower media students visited Top Screen at The Capitol Theatre. The event presents films including short fiction, animation and documentaries created by VCE Media students, plus associated education sessions with the filmmakers and the Media State Reviewer. 

Presented as part of the VCE Season of Excellence 2021, Top Screen gives a unique opportunity to view the work and creative processes of Victoria’s next generation of filmmakers. What a fantastic experience for our young filmmakers and creators, very inspiring!

FORMULA 1 Excursion

On Friday 8 April, the Year 10s had an exciting Geography excursion to the 2022 Australian Grand Prix in Albert Park! Led by Mr Warner, the group travelled by public transport from Mount Waverley station all the way into town for the FORMULA 1. 


Exploring Albert Park and the F1 track, the group also spent time conducting vital VCE Geography fieldwork for Unit 2. Including organising several surveys, data collection and completing field sketches of the Grand Prix.

Weekly Sport

After 2 rounds...

Girls Football
Mixed Tennis
Boys Soccer
Boys Volleyball
Girls Football
Mixed Tennis
Boys Soccer
Boys Volleyball

Y7 Results (Mondays)

  • Boys Soccer: 2W - 0L
  • Boys Volleyball: 1W - 1L
  • Girls Soccer: 0W - 1D - 1L
  • Girls Volleyball: 0W - 2L
  • Girls Football: 0W - 2L
  • Mixed Tennis: 2W - 0L


Y8/9 Results (Thursdays)

  • Boys Soccer: 1W - 1L
  • Boys Volleyball: 1W - 0L
  • Girls Soccer: 1W - 0L
  • Girls Volleyball: 0W - 1L
  • Girls Hockey: 0W - 1L
  • Mixed Tennis: 1W - 0L
  • Mixed Netball: 1W - 0L
  • Mixed Ultimate Frisbee: 2W - 0L

As the part of the sport program for the Seniors (Years 10-12), the rec group had the chance to try some ballroom dancing on Wednesday afternoon.

A great new skill to learn!

Urban Adventures

Part 1 of the Year 9 Urban Adventures program took place on Tuesday 3 May. The program is a fun and educational experience for young students outside of the classroom. Through different activities, they will learn about, and explore, Melbourne from a range of environmental, historical and cultural perspectives.


In the morning, the staff and students took the train into the city and spent the whole day immersing themselves in the CBD. The program also helps students develop a better knowledge and navigation of their city and improve their teamwork and problem-solving skills. Activities included a guided CBD tour and visiting the Melbourne Museum! 

VCE Indonesian – Eid al-Fitr Celebration

Eid al-Fitr is an Indonesian holiday which celebrates the conclusion of Ramadan. Within Indonesia this is a significant celebration for the Muslim community. As it celebrates the culmination of a month-long fast where the Muslim community can only eat before sunrise and after sunset. 


This year Eid al-Fitr was held on the 1st of May, and as part of the VCE Indonesian Huntingtower community we were able to come together and experience this cultural celebration. We tasted many traditional foods such as Rendang Sapi which is Beef Rendang, Opor Ayam which consists of chicken and curry, as well as Kue Lapis Legit Surabaya which is a traditional dessert from the city of Surabaya, which is a dense layered cake made from eggs, butter, sugar and a little bit of flour. 


Overall, it was wonderful to experience some traditional Indonesian cuisine and learn more about its culture which brings the community together.

Eleni M and Michael X
Year 11 students

Politicians Visit

On Friday 6 May, the Year 7s had a visit from two members of the Victorian Legislative Assembly: Mr Matt Fregon (Local representative for Mt Waverley) and Mr Steve Dimopoulos (Local representative for Oakleigh).


Head of STEM at Huntingtower Mr Greg Hellard discussed the idea of the visit when he and Mr Dimopoulos began discussing teenage education and STEM issues while they were at a local coffee shop. Both Mr Dimopoulos and Mr Fregon were happy to have a look at our STEM centre and sustainability projects. Afterwards, both gentlemen kindly stopped by the MYC to talk to the Year 7s - a fantastic opportunity to ask questions and hear some first hand details regarding local Government politics. 

New staff welcome:


Mr Daniel Smith
Mr Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith: Secondary teacher - Science


We are pleased to welcome Daniel to Huntingtower this Term into our Science Department. Daniel has spent the last nine years teaching at Roxburgh College and brings a wealth of experience in VCE Biology, Science and Maths. 


Daniel places an emphasis on catering to a wide range of needs of his students and uses a variety of literacy and pedagogical techniques. Daniel holds a Bachelor of Biological Sciences, a Graduate Diploma of Education, Graduate Certificate in Humanities and is currently completing his Master of Politics and Public Policy.