From the Chaplaincy

Pictured: Scarlett D, Anastasia M and Isabella B (Year 4)

Magnify the good 

“Whatever you focus on grows, so train yourself to magnify the good. When you practice seeing the good and the God in everyone, and you’ll see it more often than you ever imagined.” - Regina Brett

Joshua P (Year 10) at The Summit
Joshua P (Year 10) at The Summit

One part of Huntingtower’s Mission and Purpose is to ‘uplift thought’. 

But what does this mean? 


Let’s look at an example. At each Huntingtower staff meeting, staff are asked to begin by magnifying the good. This is an opportunity to set the tone of the meeting by thinking of all the good that is happening in our school every day. Here are some examples that were shared at recent staff meetings:

  • A beautiful, sunny day for the Junior School Cross Country. It was fantastic to see the effort and persistence shown by each student, and for them to have the support of staff and parents on the day.     
  • The Autumn Ensembles Concert was a hit! After a 2-year hiatus, it was wonderful to have musicians performing for an audience in the PAC. 
  • Highlighting that Huntingtower received the Most Improved Award at the EISM Athletics event. An incredible effort by all involved. 
  • A successful Year 10 Residential Program – COVID free and full of fun where stronger connections and friendships were forged. 

In magnifying the good each day, we are really growing a habit of seeing God or good in everyone and everything. We are constantly holding our thinking to the highest picture of each student, each staff member, each parent and each situation. We are always trying to be positive and encouraging, knowing that this will lead to good outcomes.


We do not try and find fault; we talk people and situations ‘up’ and not 'down’. We do not place negative labels on others or situations - in fact, the only label that we place on students and staff is that they are unlimited. The more we magnify this God-given ability, the more we see it.     


So, the questions is, what are we magnifying in our life experience? Are we using the lens of love or kindness? Are we looking for progress? 


At Huntingtower, we are always trying to magnify the good. 


"God, Spirit, dwelling in infinite light and harmony from which emanates the true idea, is never reflected by aught but the good.

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 503:28


Forward to the Light!


The Chaplaincy Team