
Pictured: Mr Houghton and Mr Jenkin


The first day of Term 2 - ANZAC Assembly


On Tuesday 29 April, a special moment was shared in the PAC as the students and staff gathered for the ANZAC Assembly.

Mr Jenkin
Mr Jenkin

It was a pleasure to listen to some remarks and stories from guest speaker Mr Russell Jenkin.


Mr Jenkin has a strong connection to Huntingtower. He taught legal studies and politics here, and was the Vice-Principal for a number of years. His wife, Rhonda, still teaches in the Junior School, and his six sons attended Huntingtower for a period of time.  


In the late 1960s, Mr Jenkin, was ‘called-up’ (conscripted) for two years’ full-time military service, followed by three years on stand-by, during the peak of the Vietnam War.


When some of his best mates were sent to fight in Vietnam, Mr Jenkin was posted to the Second Pacific Islands Regiment (2PIR), as a Sergeant in the Education Corps.

He served 13 months in that role at 2PIR – at Wewak, on New Guinea’s north coast, 3 degrees south of The Equator.


His experience highlighted the value of serving one’s country.


Lest we forget.

Senior Chamber Choir
Toby G (Year 11) on trumpet
Senior Chamber Choir
Toby G (Year 11) on trumpet

Sports Assembly

At the Principal's Assembly on Friday 6 May, a number of awards were presented to students for their commitment and achievement in EISM sport. 


Congratulations to all the following students!


Sporting Excellence:


Sporting Colours:


Sporting Honours:


Well done to all our student athletes!