From the Principal

Pictured: Mr Houghton enjoying the newly landscaped staff 'zen garden' 

Thought for the week

“How shall we reach our true selves? Through Love”   

Mary Baker Eddy - Miscellaneous Writings 104:23-24


I trust all families enjoyed a wonderful Easter and hopefully got to spend time with extended family over the break. The weather was glorious, and I know all staff and students welcomed the opportunity to recharge their mind, body and soul to be ready for an active Term 2.


ANZAC Assembly

We commenced the Term with our ANZAC assembly. It was a pleasure to welcome Mr Russell Jenkin, a former teacher and Vice Principal and valued member of the Huntingtower Community, back to share stories of his time serving his country in Papua New Guinea. Mr Jenkin shared his reflection of being called up by conscription to serve in the Vietnam War and being deployed to Papua New Guinea as a “Chalkie” educating soldiers. We thank Mr Jenkin for his service to our country and for sharing his personal stories and photographs with us.

Lest we forget. 


Autumn Ensembles Concert

On Friday 29 April, we enjoyed our first choir and ensemble performance since 2019. Congratulations to Mr David Mowat, Head of Music, and Ms Kayla Sims, Head of Choral, and the instrumental tutors for preparing the students to perform. Huntingtower welcomed our largest community audience in three years and for those who attended we were treated to an evening of wonderful performances.  The night was also a fundraiser for the communities affected by the recent floods. Thank you to all families for purchasing tickets and supporting this worthy cause.


P & F Trivia Night

The long-anticipated P&F Trivia night is to be held on Saturday 14 May commencing at 6:45pm in the Middle Years Centre. P&F have put together a wonderful night of trivia and entertainment. It certainly promises to be a fun night, so if you haven’t bought your tickets, I encourage you to do so. It is time to find your best “cruise outfit” and join HMAS Huntingtower for a night of fun and community. I look forward to seeing you on board.


Mr Andrew Houghton