Principal Class News

  • Students are at school 6 hours a day
  • Over 5 school days this equates to 30 hours a week
  • Students are at home/outside of school 18 hours a day
  • Over 5 days this equates to 90 hours a week
  • Plus the 48 hours of a weekend
  • Therefore children are at home/outside of school over a 7 day period 138 hours
  • Time students are at school = 18%
  • Time children are at home/outside of school  = 82%

Educational staff are sensational people.  They have a 'calling' to education.  They truly invest and engage in education to make a significant difference.  They approach each day with rigour and excitement.  


We work with little people.  Little people sometimes 'get it right' and sometimes 'get it wrong'.  But each day is a fresh day.  

As adults, we are the role models in how we speak positively, promote education and how we use social media for positive messages.


Monique Corcoran PRINCIPAL


Community feedback

When you are part of the CSPS community, you become part of the furniture!  Whether you have a long history with the School or a new family to enrol.


We are a family who has been involved with Cranbourne South Primary for many years. The small community feel within CSPS, literally is like a second home.


CSPS values every teacher, support staff, parent and student. As parents, we are encouraged to be an active part of the school community, acknowledged as an integral and important aspect to the schools growth and our children’s growth. The teacher’s demonstrate a passion for teaching, which carries over to our children’s love of learning.

Tuesday 9 August - School Concert

Rehearsal - morning whole school

Performance - from 6 - 6.30pm start TBC

2023 Enrolments

In the past 2 weeks, we have undertaken ~5 enrolment tours a week (1 hour each), with 3 families in each tour.  This has equated to around 12 tours with 30+ families, with another 10 tours scheduled before the end of Term 2, with most tours fully booked.  We have met some sensational children, eager parents and supportive families who we cannot wait to have join the CSPS family.

  • If you are an existing family with 2023 siblings, please complete an enrolment form and return to the school office by 250622.
  • If you have been on a tour, and have selected CSPS (welcome :) please complete an enrolment form and return to the school office by 250622.
  • If you are wishing to book a tour, there are a few slots available.  Please follow the QR code for more information.

National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn more about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2022 is ‘Be Brave, Make change’.  Students have participated in Reconciliation activities during the week.

Foundation feedback

Thursday 2nd June, the school nurse visited CSPS to touch base with our students and staff. The school nurse made a point to inform Rachael Richardson (Foundation leader), how impressed she was in how engaged, polite and well mannered the students were.  This is a credit to both families and staff.  Well done Foundation students.

First semester Parent-Teacher interviews will look a little different this year as we move into Student Led Conferences (SLCs).  Students will lead discussions with parents about their progress and learning.  SLCs will provide opportunities for students to prepare, reflect on, and discuss evidence of their learning and growth by way of student portfolios.  


Multiple families will attend the SLC timeslots with the teacher available to support students as they discuss their own learning.


A Compass post will be sent out shortly for time slots for this exciting new part of our assessment and reporting program.


First semester reports

First semester reports will be available via Compass at the end of week 8.  Reports will include details about what students have been learning, a general comment and provide a teacher judgement according to the assessments completed and an indication of progress. 


Further information can be found on Compass via the Learning Tasks. Please refer to the following instructions.