Middle School







Term 1 is always a big term. Students new to the Middle School at Oakleigh Grammar have quickly discovered how welcoming the students are and how easy it is to settle into their daily routine. Our return to school has afforded opportunities for students to participate in sports, outdoor activities, classroom learning and above all, enjoy each other’s company.


As the term break begins, both staff and students have realised the importance and enjoyment of the classroom. We have worked through adjusting to on-campus teaching and learning together. It is a pleasure to work with each and everyone of the Middle School. The movement of Years 8 and 9 to the classrooms near my office means I hear their discussions, loud though they may be at times, and the happiness they have found being with each other.


I take this opportunity to wish the families of the Middle School a safe and Happy Easter.

Kalo Pascha


Sharron Frame

Head of Middle and Senior School

Years 8 and 9







With the first term coming to a close this week, this year has continued to fly by.  Our Year 8 and 9 students continue to work on their study habits, putting routines in place and embracing their subjects to a great extent. They continue to embrace the great culture of service we have here at Oakleigh Grammar, assisting in different events around the School and continuing to foster a culture of inclusivity and sustainability.


Their competitive nature has been reawakened with the EISM interschool sports starting recently, with many of our students keen and ready to get out there and win. In addition, a special mention must be made of our youngest debating students in Year 9 who continue to proudly represent the School, giving up their lunchtime on more than one occasion, to test out their arguments and come up with great rebuttals.


All in all, this term has been a welcome change, reminding us of the joys teaching in the classroom can bring. I wish all students and parents a blessed Easter and look forward to the events and opportunities to come next term. 


Michael Pegiou

Years 8 & 9 Coordinator

Years 6 and 7







Our first full term of face to face teaching in two years has drawn to a close. This gives us all an opportunity to pause and reflect, celebrating our successes and taking stock of how we can improve and move forward in a positive manner. This term has been all about settling back into routine, finding our feet and setting up for success.


It has been fantastic to see our students engaging in various activities in school, and of worthy mention are the Year 6 Bentleigh District sports teams who won a place in their summer competition. Our Year 7 students have been busy collecting non-perishable food items for our collection for the Greek Welfare Centre Easter Appeal


To our Year 7 families, please be mindful that camp will be upon us in Week 2 of Term 2. Notices will be out shortly. 


I would like to wish all students and families a blessed Pascha/Easter – Καλή Ανάσταση! 


Dean Damatopoulos

Years 6 & 7 Coordinator