Principal's news







Our focus in the final week of term has been to reflect on one of the most important celebrations of the Christian calendar – Easter.  As Christians are well aware, the significance of Easter is Jesus Christ’s triumph over death.  His resurrection means the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him.  The purpose of Easter also means the full confirmation of all that Jesus taught and preached during His three year ministry.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the core of the Christian gospel.  Saint Paul says that “If Christ is not raised from the dead, then our preaching and hope are in vain” (1Cor.15:14)


For Christians worldwide, the importance of Easter is praising and acknowledging Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead and His glorious assurances of eternal life for all who believe in Him.  Of course, there are plenty of non-religious traditions such as the Easter bunny, baskets of chocolate and Easter egg hunts.  We wish all families a blessed and joyous Easter and a happy and safe school holiday period.


A highlight for me this term has been the opportunity to meet with our Year 1 and Year 3 students over cupcakes in our school library.  I was most impressed with our students expression of strong connection to our school and the quality of questions they asked me about their school.


Easter Raffle

I wish to thank parents Evangelia Kaimakamis and Maree Popovic for their oversight of the Easter Raffle this year with an outstanding fund raising result of approximately $5,000. There was much excitement as we presented the class who sold the most raffle tickets this year, which was Class 2M with their large basket of Easter eggs.  This is a reflection of the tireless work of our Parents’ Association and I am grateful for all that they do in support of our School.  A special mention to Mrs Kaimakamis for decorating our Reception and Music Room with balloons which attracted much attention and notable smiles all around.


Strategic Plan Development - 2023

I take this opportunity to thank all parents who participated in the recent survey for the purpose of providing valuable information which will be used as an important part of the process of developing our new Strategic Plan which will align with our School’s fortieth anniversary and community’s sixtieth anniversary in 2023. 


Extension of the Rapid Antigen Testing Program

The Victorian Government has announced it is extending the Rapid Antigen Test screening program for the first four weeks of term two.  Our School is expected to receive RAT allocation for the first two weeks of next term and these tests will also be made available for our school vacation program.  A reminder that the recommendation is for students to test at home twice a week.  I thank all parents for your vigilant reporting of Covid positive cases when they have arisen within your families.


Staff News

Congratulations is extended to Mrs Rebecca Foden and her husband James on the safe arrival of their second child Benjamin James.  


I wish to advise Mrs Jacqui Thomas will relinquish her role as Head of Faculty – English and assume the position of Acting VCE Academic Leader – English.  In addition, Mrs Melissa Fitzgerald will assume the position of Acting Middle School Learning Leader – Language and Literature.  These changes will commence next term and align with recent academic faculty structural changes introduced at the beginning of the year.


Stay Safe

Stay Well

God Bless


Mark Robertson
