Community News

Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition

Spring School Holiday Program

Changing Faces: Reframing Women in Local Democracy

Bayside City Council is calling on females of all ages who contribute to the local Bayside community to have their portraits taken as part of a unique project highlighting the role of women and girls in our community.

The portraits are part of a ground-breaking gender equity campaign, Changing Faces: Reframing Women in Local Democracy, which will roll out over the next six months. Bayside Mayor, Cr Michael Heffernan said the under-representation of females on Council, both in the past and present, needs to be addressed. “Only 11 female mayors out of 175 have represented Bayside. Only one of Bayside’s current councillors is female,” he said. “We want women and girls to illustrate how they are influential, successful and make a positive contribution to the community, and show how females can be decision and policy makers.”

Fill out a nomination form here or for further information contact: