Junior School News

Over the past month the Junior School students have had some exceptional achievements. During Year 7 Personal Learning last week we presented awards to students who have had 100% attendance for semester 1. Below are some more great achievements from students in the Junior School.
Tilly Renkin-Onwuji and Jaeda Louw - Year 7
Matilda (Tilly) Renkin-Onwuji and Jaeda Louw had their first book published and had a book launch at Dymocks Southland last Thursday. They completed a writing and publishing workshop in the holidays. Tilly’s novel is titled The Night of the Nefarious Novels and Jaeda’s is titled The Race. Both families have donated a copy of their daughters' book to our school library. Congratulations Tilly and Jaeda, we are so pleased to see you both accomplishing great things!
Juliette Lemieux - Year 7
Juliette Lemieux participates in a full-time training program with the National Training Centre for soccer, training a minimum of three times per week with the NTC Squad and playing one match. Juliette was selected to represent Victoria at the National Youth Championships in Coffs Harbour during the July holidays. The Championships provided a platform for players to showcase their abilities in front of the FFA National Team coaches and staff. She was able to experience high intensity soccer, live the life of an elite soccer player for a week and learn from her matches to improve her skill set. Well-done Juliette!
Flip Leighton - Year 8
Flip was selected to represent Victoria at the 2019 Indoor Cricket National championships. The junior tournament was held at Casey over the July holidays. Flip’s U14 team played 10 games of cricket over seven days. The girls won eight of their ten games going through to the the grand final. They defeated NSW to become the U14 Girls National Indoor Cricket champions for 2019. Congratulations to Flip for making the team and representing her state so well. A fantastic result for Victoria and Flip!
Year 7 Aerobics Team
Good luck to the Year 7 Aerobics Team (Olivia, Evie, Ojas, Mia, Lauren, Alex , Tara, Bella and Jade). They will compete in the National Championships on the Gold Coast on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 August. Good luck also to Tara Ash and Isobella D’Adamo who will represent Mentone Girls’ Secondary College in the Soloist Aerobics section.
Jessica Brown - Year 8
Jessica Brown competed in the Nationals Baseball Intermediate League, held in Mildura at the The Old Aerodrome Sporting Complex in June. Jessica's team placed 9th. Congratulations on your commitment to get to this level. An amazing achievement!
Year 8 Headspace Workshops
In support of the mental health and wellbeing of our Year 8s, we have organised Headspace (The National Youth Mental Health Foundation) to conduct two workshops on mental health awareness, self-care and supporting their friends. These workshops will take place in the lecture theatre during class time on 15 and 30 August and will run for approximately 1 hour each. These workshops currently appear on your child's Compass schedule. We understand that some students may not be able to attend these sessions due to regional netball and school athletics, however these were the most suitable dates available for most students to be able to attend. We are also requesting a parent/carer session in Term 4 which will complement the student workshops and include information about mental health and wellbeing in adolescence, skills to support conversations between parents and young people, strategies for parents to support their young person and where to access support.
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School