Careers and Pathways

Information Nights and Careers Expo
The Information Nights for current Year 8, 9 and 10 students to assist with subject selection and course planning were very successful. The PowerPoint presentations given by Deb Jarvis, Director of Middle School and Sylvia Christopoulos, Director of Senior School, plus the Curriculum Handbooks for each level are available on the website at:
The Careers Expo on Tuesday 23 July was also well attended, despite the wet conditions. Many students and parents took advantage of the opportunity to have many tertiary institutions and resources in one room with easy access to information officers to answer their questions.
Holmesglen tour
A group of Year 9 and 10 students were given a tour of the Holmesglen Moorabbin Campus recently. During the tour they were shown the classrooms and learning spaces where VET courses are undertaken during Year 10, 11 and 12. They also found out about the various courses that you can study at TAFE after you complete secondary education.
Holmesglen provides vocational learning on behalf of our College for students that choose to study a VET course in Years 10, 11 or 12. Successful completion of a VET in school course provides students with a Certificate II or III qualification giving them vocational skills that can be taken into a workplace and in some cases can give students credits towards a university course.
Cert II in Laboratory Skills allows students to expand their scientific studies with practical skills and knowledge to assist in collecting and preparing samples to carry out, measure and record results associated with the day-to-day operations within a chemical, biological and physical testing laboratory.
The Cert II in Hospitality includes a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) qualification that students can use for work after they turn 18 years old.
The Cert II in Engineering aims to provide pre-employment training and pathways in engineering manufacturing or related industries. It will provide students with a range of engineering skills such as Computer aided design 2D and 3D, Design principals, fabrication techniques and the use of hand and power of tools
Courses in Electrical and Nursing are also available at Holmesglen for students who have completed their secondary studies.
Karen Garton
Careers & Pathways