
The College has a Student Wellbeing program which aims to assist students and parents in need of emotional or financial support and to make referrals to external agencies. The Student Wellbeing Coordinators work with student managers, staff and various organisations to coordinate and provide these programs and develop and implement a number of wellbeing policies.
Through the Newsletter we will be placing a focus on MGSC's wellbeing program and our partnerships. It will include information and resources to assist parents to build skills and knowledge to support the mental health of families.
Year 9 workshops
Headspace visited last week to conduct a workshop with Year 9 students. The aim was to support mental health and wellbeing through raising awareness, promoting self-care and encouraging supporting friends. They will be back later in the term.
Generation Next
Generation Next provides education and information about the prevention and management of mental illness in young people. This information is for professionals, young people, their families and carers, and the wider community. Their objective is to raise community awareness of mental illness, its prevention and management through increasing mental health literacy, reducing associated stigma and discrimination, and positively influencing individual and community behaviour to improve mental, social and emotional wellbeing outcomes for young people, their families and communities.
To this end, they reach out to young people, their families and carers, professionals who work with them and the wider community to seek solutions to the challenges that mental illness poses to us today both at the individual and social levels.
They produce an excellent electronic newsletter distributed regularly. To find out more and subscribe to the newsletter visit their website: https://www.generationnext.com.au/
Upcoming events
RU OK Day Thursday 12 September
Wear it Purple Day Friday 30 August
World Mental Health Day Thursday 10 October