Student Leadership

Legacy Junior Public Speaking
In the first week of term 3, we - Lucy Naughton, Hayley Smith and Nat Stewart - went to the Legacy Junior Public Speaking competition at Kilvington Grammar.
We gave a five minute prepared speech about something Legacy tries to help with, for example social justice or environmental work. We all had different topics: gender inequality, caring for the environment and raising awareness. After everyone performed their prepared speeches we had to do an impromptu speech. They gave us a random topic and we had just five minutes to prepare. The topic was ‘should mobile phones be banned’.
Even though none of us made it through to the next round of the competition, we all had a blast and it was an awesome opportunity to meet new people and to learn more about our community. It was definitely a great experience everyone would enjoy!
Lucy Naughton, Hayley Smith and Nat Stewart (8C)
Model UN in French
Bonjour! On the very first day of Term 3, eight girls from the Unit 3 and 4 French class attended a Model UN Conference at Melbourne University. The issue addressed was the refugee and asylum seekers crisis.
We all met at Melbourne University, excited for the long day ahead of us. The MGSC students were split into two teams, each representing a different country. My team represented the United States of America and the other team represented Chad. Upon entering the auditorium, we noticed the other Year 12 French students taking their places next to their flags. The conference officially began, all countries stood up and presented their position statements in alphabetical order. Once all speeches concluded, the moderated caucus begun. This portion of the morning was the formal debate where each country had to hold up their country’s flag and direct a question towards another country. As we were the United States, we were the target of a lot of questions. It was so beneficial for us to have to come up with a spontaneous response to the cascade of questions coming our way. We then had the informal caucus where we had to get other countries to sign on our amendments and debate. The conference concluded with the voting on all proposed amendments.
Overall, we all had a great time and this positively impacted our French communication skills. We are very grateful for this opportunity, a huge shout out to Madame Brunet and Pauline for helping us prepare for this event.
Au revoir.
Melie Protat (Year 11)
Celebrating Book Week
During week six (17-23 August) we will be celebrating Book Week!
This will give the students of Mentone Girls' Secondary College an opportunity to immerse themselves in all things book related. We will be running a creative writing competition during this week and the winner will receive a book voucher for their creative piece. We will also be offering a lunchtime movie session of a film that is based on a book as well as having a dress up day of our favourite book or movie characters. We would love for all students and staff to be involved and have a bit of bookish fun. A survey has just gone out seeking feedback for the film selection. Make sure you complete it and have your say.
Charlotte Gallagher (Year 12)
Senior English Domain Leader