Career Pathways

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Bruce Topham for all the hard work and dedication he has put into Careers at St John’s Regional College. Because of him, hundreds of students have successfully mapped out personalised pathways and are now on the road to achieving their goals.


We welcome back Ms Leana Bailey to the role of Career Pathways Coordinator. Ms Bailey’s goal for the remainder of 2018 is to develop a self-service space for students to pop into and make plans for their future. This will give students a sense of ownership of their pathways and give them a good knowledge base in preparation for individualised careers meetings.


Ms Bailey is looking forward to meeting with students and families in the near future.

Once the Year 12 results are released, ACU will be running an information session for students and parents to attend. The Know Your Options information session will be at the Melbourne Campus on Monday 17 December from 12:00pm – 2:30pm. 

For more information, visit or call 1300 ASK ACU

For students intending to sit the UMAT in 2019 for entry to university in 2020, the current test is changing. After 2018, the UMAT will be replaced by a new test, the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test). Registrations will open in March 2019 and close mid-May. Details of the test, including how to register, are available on the UCAT website

Career Pathway Planning

Deakin University has launched a new online tool to explore and plan your career pathway - Explore. 

When the user selects certain subjects it will show them which career pathway options they will have. They can also select a career pathway which will then list the subjects. 


To explore the online tool visit ​