International Students

Interview with International Student

Franchesca LEE, Y10 international student received a principal award which reflects on the individual's effort and achievements during Senior School Assembly. Here is her reflection about her award:

Why did you receive this award? 

Along with demonstrating the four colleges values, I constantly seek feedback from the teachers to get the best result possible. I tried to put as much effort possible to enhance the quality of the tasks I were assigned.


How did you feel receiving this award?

I was quite surprised at first because I could not imagine how I could be the one to receive it. I did not think I deserved it, because there seemed to be so many students in year 10 who achieved much more accomplishments than me. However, when I think about it now, I believe my effort had finally paid off. I will continue to put more effort into my studies so that I will be able to get such results. But I believe what had truly enabled to receive this award was my teachers' constant feedback and encouragement. I want to thank all my teachers as it was they who motivated me to do my very best in all my studies.


Franchesca LEE 10A

Orientation Day & Buddy Program

On Monday, 15 July (the first day of term 3), we welcomed the newly arrived international students to our community. We ran a whole day Orientation Day which helped our international students work through visa queries, how to read the school timetable and how to use school diary, what the college rules are, subject selections, our expectations on behaviour and student achievement, and what living in a Western home is like. During the Orientation lunch, we also launched our Buddy Program for our new international students. Through this Buddy Program, our students will get support from their international student buddies who have already adjusted to DSC and are really comfortable sharing their tips for achieving excellent academic results and getting involved in school activities and social events.

Some of our international student buddies have shared some of their thoughts from the day. 

1. Tell us a little about your buddies. 

My buddies are Frank Wang, Jocelyn GUO and Gloria Guo. All three of them are from China. They are all super friendly and very positive. Jocelyn has 5 little cute pet hamsters in China, Gloria likes to watch movies and Frank enjoys running —Berry EAIN


All 3 of my buddies are Chinese. James came from Shenzhen. Oliver came from Jilin, Dongbei. James and Oliver like to play basketball. Jordan's hobby is rapping and songwriting —Cindy LI


2. Why did you volunteer to participate in the Buddy Program?

Personally, I love meeting new people and making new friends so I thought it would be a wonderful idea to participate in buddy program and help newly arrived international students feel welcomed and become more familiar with Doncaster Secondary College —Berry EAIN


I volunteered in the Buddy Program because I understand how it feels to be a new student in a different country. I want to share my experiences at Doncaster Secondary College, help those that are feeling shy and really make them feel welcome —Jenny LE


I wanted to participate in the Buddy Program because when I was a new student, I felt so nervous and afraid. I really want to help them to get involved in our school community, be more confident and feel included at Doncaster Secondary College — Cindy LI


I want to help them feel comfortable at Doncaster Secondary College. Most of the new international students to the school were Chinese and I want to contribute my empathy and enthusiasm towards them. I am not Chinese, therefore they will need to speak English to me and I believe this will help them to improve their English language skills —Danny HO



Director of International Student Program