I am an active citizen who aims to improve the world!

Operation Organisation

Students enjoy a sense of pride when they capably organise themselves for successful learning at school each day.  They like the trust and recognition that they are responsible and reliable citizens who can do their daily routines independently.  These routines include signing in, bringing in their own bag, handing in notes and lunch orders, and scanning to return readers before putting them into the correct box.  Having your child's food containers, drink containers, jumpers and hats labelled ensures your child will be able to find their belongings for themselves and to put them away safely.


Environmental Emperors

As responsible citizens, students are constantly looking for ways to help our planet be a better place and eagerly participate in programs like Nude Food Day.  This program began with every Thursday being a day where all food was brought in re-usable containers, so that no packaging was put into land fill.  Many students have got used to the idea and can see the benefit for our planet so it's a nude food day everyday.


Nature play 

Nature play ensures students can understand the world around them by directly interacting with the natural environment.  By providing natural elements in class, such as live plants, baskets and storage boxes made from natural materials, collections of sticks, stones, gum nuts and shells, students are able to manipulate, experience and learn about the materials our world is made of.  These interactions trigger wonderings and questions and the need to know more about the world in a natural, organic way. This helps to develop a deep connection to the land that will ensure sustainability in the future.