
Science Immersion Day

One of the highlights for many Year 10 students is going to Monash University and meeting researchers.


On Friday, 15 June all Year 10 students attended Science Immersion Day at Monash University, run exclusively for JMSS by Monash Science researchers.


Students attended three engaging, hands-on workshops across the following fields:

  • Biological Science
  • Biomedical Science
  • Chemistry
  • Earth Atmosphere and Environment
  • Mathematical Science
  • Physics and Astronomy

It was an exciting day of learning and incredible experiences, with many students leaving with a broader understanding of the practical science and research opportunities that may await them at the completion of their high school studies.

Large Hadron Collider: Public Lecture

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

6.30pm - 9.00pm

Theatre S3, 16 Rainforest Walk​

Monash University

Cost: Free

More Information:


The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest and most complex physics experiment ever built. It is located at the CERN laboratory, near Geneva, Switzerland. What is it, and what does it do? Attend the free lecture to find out!

Come along and hear from presenter, theoretical physicist, Peter Skands, who has received CERN’s award for exceptional services to the organisation and was a staff member in the Theory Division at CERN from 2009 - 2014.

Australian’s Mesozoic Menagerie: Dinosaurs from the Age of Reptiles

Thursday, 2 August 2018


Wheelers Hill Library

Cost: Free

Bookings: 9561 6211 or online by visiting


To date, only twenty Australian dinosaurs from the Mesozoic Era (251-66 million years ago) have been formally named on the basis of fossilised bones. This means that we have little idea of what these dinosaurs were like throughout much of their existence.


Monash Science and Innovation Hub and Monash Libraries are inviting all students, staff and parents to hear Dr Stephen Poropat from Swinburne University talk about his recent research on fossils including his work on digs in the Winton Area. This year’s excavations were some of the most successful to date!

Graeme Clark Oration - Nanomedicine

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

6.15pm - 7.30pm

Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Cost: Free

Register online by visiting:


The Graeme Clark Oration is a high-quality annual Science presentation.


This year, the Oration is on Wednesday, 4 July 2018 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, and will explore the topic "Nanomedicine Comes of Age: How Engineered Materials Are Transforming Medical Treatment".


Students, parents and staff of JMSS re encouraged to attend, however the event does take place in the school holidays.


A limited number of seats are available for the Oration Dinner, which have been reserved specifically for JMSS staff and students. Any interested staff or students should contact Mr. McTier as soon as possible if they are interested in attending the dinner.

Computer Coding Club on Fridays

Would you like some help with coding assignments? Or would like to show off your awesome coding projects?

...Or would you just like to learn more about cool things you can accomplish with programming and computers?

If you answered 'Yes!' to any of the above questions, we have some good news! Mr.  Huynh is running a Computer Coding Club on the Blackburn bridge during lunch on Fridays, and all interested students are welcome!