Library News
From The Library
Tuesday craft continues each week in the library with students showing lots of great imagination and skills and seemingly enjoying the experience. This term we have woven Knitted Diamonds eyes which were originally, centuries ago, woven to ward off evil spirits but are now purely decorative and fun to make. We celebrated Anzac Day with each student making a picture of a lone soldier at sunrise which we added to our library display. Many of you will have received the beautiful magnets that your children decorated for Mothers Day.
Mother's Day Magnets.
Bookworm Bookmarks.
Diamond Eye Knitting.
ANZAC Portraits.
We have again placed our Wish Box on the circulation desk for students to request books that they would like us to add to the library collection. All students may participate. If they write their name with the request then they will be the first to borrow the books after they are purchased.
Could parents please check the due date stamp in their children’s library books and encourage them to either return them on time or renew them if they haven’t finished them.
With the cold, wet weather upon us, students are reminded that the library is a great place to be at lunchtime whether to browse new books, play cards or board games, catch up on work, sit in the warmth and chat, etc. Computers are available for work every day but only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for computer games.
Finally, a reminder that parents are also able to borrow from our library. You may borrow more books for your children, and we have a large senior reading collection that we add to regularly with a wide variety of genres.
Happy reading,
Mrs Wood and Mrs Sal