Student Wellbeing

From The Student Wellbeing Team
The beginning of this term commenced with the delivery of wellbeing programs to our junior-school students. Planning is continuing for the delivery of wellbeing programs later this term to our senior-school students to best support them with their studies.
I have been continuing to support families and students and encourage parents to contact the main office to make an appointment to see me if required. I would remind all families to consider if they are eligible for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF). Forms are available from the office. Families that have a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pension Concession Card are eligible to apply.
Psychological Services
In addition to the Student Support Services, students and their families will have access to additional psychology services at the College through Healing Minds Psychology commencing at the end of this month. Students are able to access bulk billed sessions with a mental health care plan from their GP.
This service is confidential and delivered at school in the wellbeing area on Tuesday mornings. Please contact Caitlin Hallett (Student Wellbeing Coordinator) should you require more information.
AWARE Program – Year 8
This term our Year 8 students completed the AWARE – Alcohol Wellbeing and Risk Education Program facilitated by TaskForce Community Agency. This program gave our students the opportunity to learn about the risks involved with excessive drinking by focusing on harm reduction as an early intervention tool. Our students were able to learn about the harms associated with binge drinking and learn strategies to cope with peer pressure, short and long term harms (physical and mental), reasons why people drink, standard drinks and laws relating to alcohol consumption.
Young Women’s Gala Day/Young Men’s Day – Year 9
Our Year 9 students participated in the Greater Dandenong Youth and Family Services (GDYFS), Young Women’s Day at Springers Leisure Centre and the Young Men’s Day at school earlier this term. At the Young Women’s Day event our girls were able to explore the importance of regular physical activity, positive body image and self-care. At the Young Men’s Day our boys were able to participate in workshops delivered by Headspace and GDYFS, participate in sport and listen to a motivational speaker. This incursion focused on the Carwatha College values - teamwork and respect and the aim of the event was for students to develop social support from their peers and to raise their awareness of external supports available to them.
Activities at Greater Dandenong Youth and Family Services:
- School Holidays Committee – design outings, gain leadership skills, make new friends and be a peer leader. Starts Monday 14 May, 4:30pm, Dandenong Library Youth Space.
- Freeza Committee – event management, music and dance, technical production and recording. Tuesdays 4:30pm, 39 Clow Street Dandenong.
- Unite Alliance – develop projects that reduce discrimination and inequality and become a voice for your peers. Register by calling 03 9793 2155.
Lunch time activities: Year 7 – Year 9
- Every Tuesday lunchtime in J Block, Year 7-Year 9 students can play board games and activities with Youth Worker, Isaac Mead from The Salvation Army.
- Every Friday lunchtime in the small gym Year 7 – Year 9 students can participate in the 180 program, play big group games and connect with each other.
- ZIIMUSIC event with free giveaways on 25th of May for Year 7-Year 9 students.
Caitlin Hallett – Student Wellbeing Coordinator