Secondary News

Assistant Principal Report
Finally our shipment of blazers have arrived and are ready for parents and students at the general office.
If you have paid your deposit please make your way to the office and pay your remainder to collect the blazer. All other parents and students can make their purchase of blazers at the general office – the cost is $120.
The college uniform shop is open every Thursday from 8.15am to 9.30am where the new college uniform can be purchased.
A reminder that the blazer is compulsory and must be worn to and from school.
Students cannot wear the old and new uniform – they are not to be mixed. It is acceptable to purchase the summer or winter uniform and wear it all year. Alternatively, you can purchase both the summer and winter ensemble.
Our new uniform is open to all students to purchase – but is compulsory for Year 7 and all new enrolments. All other students will have a two year phase in period to purchase the new uniform – so our old uniform is valid for the next two years. By 2020 all students will be wearing the new college uniform.
It is the college expectation that all students will be in uniform at all times and would like to take to opportunity to remind parents and students that our uniform requirements are well documented in the college student planer and on the college website planner – which is compulsory for all students and on the college website. A reminder that the following items are NOT part of our uniform and we ask for your support.
- Artificially coloured hair
- Nail polish
- Facial piercings.
- Uniform items that are not endorsed by our supplier PSW ( available Thursday mornings at the college or at the Hampton Park store)
We acknowledge that the weather is cooler and ask that students wear the college jumper, jacket or windcheater. It is not acceptable to wear hoodies, under jackets.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions
Rosanna Spina
Junior School Report
All the students have settled well into the new year, they all appear to be enjoying their classes and new friendships. It has been great to see them happy and their personalities starting to show.
I would like to encourage all the Year 7’s to wear the correct uniform, it is getting colder but if they wear the school jumper and the blazer, not only will they look great, they will also stay warm. They are lucky to have inside space to sit in during the day, so they will be able to stay warm during the day.
We had a x country carnival late last term for the years 6 to 9 students and all students were encouraged to compete. It was a great afternoon, the staff were out there supporting and all students took part.
House points will be announced soon but the winners of each of the age groups were:
- Year 6 - Brayden Lowther and Nurija Hota
- Under 13 – Nathan Gabrameskel and Angie Baika
- Under 14 - Kevin Lomoru and Roman Lay
- Under 15 - Kur Lueth and Sara Knezevic
- Under 16 – Dylan Woods and Grace Garcia.
From this carnival we were able to pick our biggest team yet for Zone Championships and we had 50 students compete at this carnival, this is an excellent showing of Carwatha pride.
The junior school has also had a number of assemblies to announce our “Carwatha Cares Charity” and acknowledge excellent attendance and semester 1 reports. From Semester 1, some excellent statistics we had were:
- 19 students with 100% attendance
- 58 with 97% and up attendance - which equates to less than 2 days off for these students in 50 days.
- 115 of the students in Years 7- 9 achieved at least 1 outstanding grade on their report and of this 14 students achieved 6 or more outstanding grades on their reports.
- We also acknowledged 4 students to start the process of our new “Carwatha Champions” values certificates.
In this we are going to acknowledge the students that meet the college value either in the classroom or around the school.
The first 4 recipients are:
- Excellence – Mackenzie Ho, for 8 Outstanding grades on her report (highest in Junior school)
- Commitment – Monique Zarifopolous – for her help in the year 6 Transition program
- Respect – Sarah Dib, for her continual work and positive attitude to staff, new students and around the school.
- Teamwork – Kevin Lomoru, for his effort and support for everyone in the Football academy.
Mr Antony
Year 8 Report
Welcome to Term 2. I hope you all had a refreshing break over Easter and are ready for a fantastic term! From all accounts students have been working hard and making the effort to participate and be fully engaged in class work. Year 8 students have been involved in an incursion and excursion during the first few weeks of term 2.
- AWARE (Alcohol Wellbeing and Risk Education)
The AWARE program is aimed at secondary students in Year 8 and focuses harm reduction and education around alcohol and other drugs as an early intervention tool. The program provided an engaging, fun and “hands on” approach for the students to learn the risks involved with excessive drinking. The year 8 students learnt about strategies to cope with peer pressure, short and long terms harms (physical and mental), harm minimisation strategies, reasons why people drink, standard drinks and laws relating to alcohol consumption. The students thoroughly enjoyed participating in this program.
- Year 8 Zoo Excursion
All the Year 8 students were lucky enough to spend a day at the zoo. The excursion forms a significant part of students" learning and assessment in Geography. Students developed skills in fieldwork and gained knowledge of particular landscapes and environments.
Congratulations to MacKenzie Ho of 8A who participated in discuss – 1st at division, 1st at regional and 7th at state. MacKenzie also participated in shot put – 1st at division and 5th at regional.
Congratulations to RoMon Lay 8B for coming first in the under 14s division cross country competition. RoMon now has the opportunity to complete at zone level later in the year.
Please continue to check Compass, to ensure you are up to date and fully informed of what is happening in your child’s school life. There are many activities and excursions planned for the Year 8 students in Term 2. I’m always pleased to hear from you so please do keep in touch.
Mrs Rentzis
Year 8 Zoo Excursion
All the Year 8 students were lucky enough to spend a day at the zoo. The excursion forms a significant part of students" learning and assessment in Geography. Students developed skills in fieldwork and gained knowledge of particular landscapes and environments.
Year 9 Report
It has been a positive start to term two amongst the Year 9 cohort. The Year 9 form captains were elected during term one and they have been doing some fantastic work. Along with presenting at a junior school meeting, they have met and are discussing ways to help improve the academic success of all students and how to make this year their most memorable yet. Congratulations to the following students, as form captains:
9A – Non Chawee and Campbell Watts
9B – Alessia Macciocca and Paul Alexiadis
9C – Shara Aghan and Jemal Dzamastagic
It was identified in the mid-semester reports that the Year 9 cohort achieved the following overall results in their subjects:
- 98 outstanding and excellent grades.
- 35 students achieving at least one excellent or outstanding grade.
- 13 students with four or more of these top-level grades.
- 3 students achieved outstanding or excellent grades in six or more subjects: April Hoang, April Gavalovic and Jayda Jenkins. A very big congratulations to these students.
The Year 9’s have also been actively engaging in the many extra-curricular opportunities available to them at Carwatha College P-12. In addition to excellent participation in College swimming and athletics carnivals, the year 9’s have represented the school in many sports and have seen many successes. The most recent achievements over the past fortnight have been in district cross country, with Kur Lueth coming second in cross country, and Mela Basic, Amber Dimoski, Sara Knezevic and Laura Kustura winning their way in district and regional finals to reach the State intermediate girls volleyball competition. Results like these have come from many months of practice during their free time in the gym. Such dedication and hard work is the hallmark of success in sport and inside the classroom. We are proud of our students and the examples they set to the rest of the community.
Mr Kwong
Year 9 Art
Students in Year 9 Art have been learning how to draw portraits using lead pencils. They learnt how to use a grey value scale to reflect the different highlights and shadows in their chosen image. Students developed skills in blending, smudging, highlighting and creating implied texture and form.
Here are a few outstanding examples of the work they produced.
Mrs McAleer
Year 10 Report
It has been a busy start to Term 2 for Year 10s. We began the term with a special Year Level Assembly, during which we acknowledged our Year 10 Leaders for 2018. Congratualtions to the following students, who were required to pass a rigorous selection process in which they demonstrated their work ethic, commitment to the college and adherence to its values:
- Naduwa Baika
- Wiley Bonne
- Jewel Dao
- Angela Fourie
- Paige Hughes
- Austinn Spicer
- Belinda Zaccaria
- Zeik Zeik
Students have been working hard to complete resumes and cover letters in preparation for the Mock Interviews on the 17th of May. Last week, the Year 10s participated in a workshop by the 'Fashionista Sistas', which was designed to help students prepare for their interviews. Students were provided with tips on what to wear and not to wear, advice on how to conduct themselves during an interview, and strategies for answering common questions.
On the day of the Mock Interviews, each student will participate in a 15-minute interview with a community business leader, providing them with an authentic taste of what it takes to succeed in the jobs market.
Other important events occurring this term include:
- June 8th - 15th: Unit 1 exams - Year 10 students are not required at school unless they have an exam. They are expected to use the time between exams to revise.
- June 21st: Road Smart Incursion - Students will attend a workshop on road safety in preparation for an off-road driving session next term.
Chris Willis
Recreational Pursuits & Activities
As part of the amazing special interest subjects offered at Carwatha College P-12, the Year 10 Recreational Pursuits Activities class attended Rush HQ.
The also participated in Rock Climbing.
Mr Murphy
Year 11 Report
Over the first weekend of May, we were given the great opportunity to attend MUNA, the Model United Nations Assembly, an annual event organised by the Rotary Club. This event was held at the magnificent Legislative Assembly Chamber of the Victorian Parliament House. We were overawed by the atmosphere of this great historical building and the fact that we actually sat and worked in the seats normally occupied by our lawmakers.
This year 38 teams took place representing 38 countries in five blocs that are grouped
according to the geopolitical and economic development stages of the countries.
There were a number of complex issues and resolutions debated over the two days. There
were very few interruptions to debate which resulted in eight resolutions being debated.
Costuming was of a high standard with many of the teams making an effort to represent the
national dress of their allocated country. Catering satisfied the needs of all
of the youngsters, and the visitors were able to share in the morning and afternoon tea
Our school was given the opportunity to represent the views and standpoints of the Spanish government on various issues around the world. From this experience, not only did we learn more about the cultures of other countries and the difficulties that each of them currently face, but also the importance of world understanding and world peace. By the end of the weekend, we felt that we had obtained many skills in debating and that our confidence had grown since the beginning of the weekend. Overall, this was an absolutely amazing event to be part of and we would definitely like to participate in such events in the future.
We would like to thank the Rotary Club of Moorleigh for sponsoring our school and helping us be part of this amazing experience.
Benjamin Bright and Jacklyn Fulcher
Year 11
V1 Biology
As part of a fieldwork assignment, students of Unit 1 Biology attended an excursion to Melbourne Zoo on Friday 4th May 2018.
The wet weather did well to ensure we had the place to ourselves so we could take our time to explore. After our student-led inquiry sessions, we were guided by Zoo staff through the scientific background, methodology and results of studying certain animals up close. We discovered more about conservation efforts currently being undertaken for various endangered animals including the Philippines Crocodile, Southern Corroboree Frog and the Asian Elephant.
By attending this excursion, we will be better able to address the following questions which we will research and investigate further to complete our 3rd area of study for this unit.
“Why is it important to monitor the behaviour of captive elephants?”
“What do we need to know about an endangered species in order to save it?”
Miss Wright
Year 12 Report
This term has had a busy start with an overload of SACs, assessment tasks and ensuring that we continue to meet our attendance requirements. Year 12 students have started to attend careers appointments, focused on discussing life after school, which may include University, TAFE, apprenticeships or even travel.
The end of year 12 is not far away, as Mr Mulcahy is so fond of reminding us. We only have a few months left before we can escape the clutches of secondary school.
The VCE cohort attended an Elevate presentation that focused on setting goals and strategies to meet short-term goals. A lot of students found Tom and Sam inspiring (though we're not sure how long that inspiration will last!).
The boys took part in a 'Breaking the Man Code' seminar, run by Tomorrow Architects, where they tore apart male stereotypes and encouraged boys to open up and express their emotions.
The Senior School sports teams have experienced some success this term with the girl’s netball team taking out first place, the boys soccer team second place and the badminton team tried!
We are looking forward to finally receiving our graduation jackets and planning a huge valedictory celebration for the end of the year.
Talia Karagaslis
Year 12 student
Year 12 Sleepover
Year 12 students participated in a school sleepover. Games and fun in the gym before moving to Jblock for pizza and to settle for the night. The following day was the year 12 pyjama day so the fun continued! The results were - they want to plan a winter school sleepover with a bon fire next! With year 12 students well into their final year and studying hard this was a well deserved night off from studies to relax and have some fun.
VCAL Program
Through the VCAL program, we have 4 students undertaking a cert II in warehousing. They are completing their work placement with Avocare. Avocare is a not for profit organisation who packages parcels for the less fortunate in our community. Our students retain clothes and package hampers of non perishable foods. These students are gaining the skills and knowledge to go on to great things in warehousing in their futures.
Carwatha College P-12 VCAL Student Profile
Merisa is studying VCAL and completing an Early Childhood
Cert III course with work placement at Kindytown Endeavour Hills. This will bring great opportunities for her in the future and is a first step in her goals of a career in child care.
Intermediate Girls Volleyball
Our Girls won the Zone championship today and will play in the State Final on 24th May. There were 2 groups of 3 schools, the winning school of each group played a grand final - Our group was: Carwatha College, MacRobertson Secondary College and Cranbourne Secondary College, with group 2 being McKinnon Secondary College, Doveton Secondary College And Frankston Secondary College. Carwatha won: 2-0 against MacRobertson and Cranbourne and We proudly won the volleyball grand final 2-0 against McKinnon. Well done girls and coach Mr Pieta.
On the 11th May the Carwatha College P-12 Intermediate Girls volleyball team won the bronze medal in the Volleyball School Cup. Well done girls and coach Mr Pieta.