Principal's Report

From the Principal
It has been an extremely busy start to Term 2 and there will be an enormous number of events occurring in the coming weeks.
NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) tests will be conducted this week for students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9. Parents will receive individual results later in the year. Teachers will use the data provided from the NAPLAN results and other data to track student performance and improvement over time.
Year 10 students will all be involved in Mock Interviews on Thursday the 17th of May as part of our Managed Individual Pathways program. Over 30 guests from business and industry will be conducting the interviews, which are a valuable experience for our students. Thank you to Pam Naylor for organizing this important event.
Year 10 and 11 students begin mid-year exams on Friday the 8th of June. It is extremely important that students begin organising themselves now, completing their studies and carrying out extra revision to ensure they are thoroughly prepared. All students studying a Year 12 subject will sit the GAT (General Achievement Test) on June 13th.Students have been working hard and have been well prepared for their exams. I wish them good luck.
There has been immense interest in our new program for High Achieving students, the SEE program. Students sat the entrance exam for this program earlier in the term and will be receiving notification this week on whether they have been accepted into the program for 2019. There are still limited positions available for this program. Parents interested in finding out more about this program or who know students not in our school who may be interested are welcome to contact me for more information.
Students have had the opportunity to participate in many events including the Cross Country, Interschool Sport, the Careers Expo and excursions to Medea, Healesville Sanctuary and Melbourne Zoo. Thank you to all staff who put in the time and effort to organise these experiences for our students.
The College’s Annual Variety Night was held Tuesday the 15th of May. It is always a highlight to see our extremely talented students perform Thank you to Kate Whitaker, Erin Carter, Marina Novelli and Damien Maughan for all their work involved in setting up the night. Winners were as follows:
Primary Variety Night Winners
1st: Angie Trajkoska (singing)
2nd: Marta Picolo (gymnastics)
Secondary Variety Night Winners
1st: Alyssa Lontoc (singing)
2nd: Genesis Alcaya Munoz & Clare Jacobe (singing and guitar)
3rd: Shania Von, Sabrina Chew & Giane Montano (dancing)
The Mothers’ Day stall organised by our Parents’ Group was once again highly successful with a wonderful selection of gifts available for students to purchase. I hope that the mums enjoyed the gifts selected for them by their sons and daughters.
The College Open Day was held on April 19th. It was great to see so many families from our community interested in finding out about our College. A special thanks to all of our students and staff who gave up their time to support the College during the night.
And finally, Friday June the 15th will be a student free day to provide teachers with time to complete their reports. Reports can be accessed online via Compass. Please contact the office if you require assistance. It is extremely important that you sit down with your child and read the reports closely. It will assist them to identify what they have done well this semester and areas for improvement for Semester 2.
Pat Mulcahy