Student News

Virtual Reality Excursion
On Friday March 23rd, Rooms 16 and 17 were fortunate enough to attend the Port Adelaide Town Hall Virtual Reality Showcase. We had an amazing time which allowed all of us to experience a variety of digital technologies. We were lucky enough to all be able to have a turn on the Immersive Virtual Reality which we all thought was fantastic! This software allowed us to be transported into a different place all within the Town Hall! We also got to use robots, a variety of literacy based technologies while using different programming software.
KESAB Bin Audit
KESAB recently did an audit of the waste at Largs Bay School in a bid to find ways in which we can improve our environmental impact and put in place processes to eliminate the amount of rubbish going to landfill.
These were there findings. Please have conversation with your kids around waste and ways in which you can reduce your own waste at home i.e. using green waste for food scraps and recycling alfoil and some types of plastic (try the scratch test).
Many of the 6/7 students have begun making conscious efforts to recycle and hope to pass this knowledge onto the lower year levels.
Please find attached the Kesab Bin Audit report.
School’s Congress Anti-racism
On Wednesday, 28th March, a group of young leaders from Largs Bay School took part in the Reconciliation SA’s Schools Congress, Generation of Change, accompanied by Jayne Wright and Karen Ahang. It was a chance to explore the theme of racism with young people, empowering them to analyse, challenge and stop racism occurring. The program was delivered through the ACTNow theatre company, in partnership with Reconciliation SA, where there was student interaction within the dynamic theatre experience. There were many students from various diverse backgrounds taking action to keep schools culturally safe.
The group of students also came up with ideas to make our school more culturally appropriate. Some ideas were; to learn an Aboriginal language – Kaurna, a monthly recognition of different cultures and establishing a bush tucker garden in our Kuranye Metitya Dreaming Garden.
Harmony Day
at Largs Bay School
On Wednesday, the 21st of March, we celebrated Harmony Day at Largs Bay School. Students were encouraged to wear orange, a colour used to represent harmony. During this day and throughout the week all classes participated in special Harmony Day activities which included; “Harmony around the World” and the “Tree of Harmony”, working together with their buddy class to come up with ‘paper dolls’ symbolising and celebrating each other’s differences for harmony, e.g. different clothing, hair, eye colour, skin colour. The decorated paper dolls will be displayed on either the “Tree of Harmony” poster, or the “Harmony around the World” poster in the Hall. Room 30 surveyed the whole school and painted flags to represent our student’s heritage. These flags are displayed in the Hall for another whole school activity to celebrate our multicultural school. Karen Ahang, along with some student helpers, ran a friendship band session at lunchtime to celebrate harmony and inclusiveness.
Room 11’s Mathematicians!
In Maths, we have been learning about numbers and digits. In this game, students rolled the dice to create numbers using the digits 0-9. We found out that each digit in a number has a place and each place has a value. Students rearranged the digits to make different combinations to decide which number had the higher value.
The Levelled Behaviour Scheme has been implemented this term and it is great to see so many students striving to reach their individual goals.
Our Level 4 and Level 3 (Junior Primary) students play a major role in Largs Bay School maintaining high expectations and outcomes and as a school we believe that these school leaders and role models should be recognised and celebrated.
To all the students who have maintained a Level 3 (Junior Primary) or Level 4 for the majority of this term we have a surprise in store for you on Tuesday or Thursday next week as recognition for your role within our school.