News From the Principal

Dear parents/caregivers and community members,
In weeks 3 & 4 of next term the NAPLaN Tests will take place in all schools across Australia.
This year, Largs Bay will be undertaking the tests online (with the exception of Year 3 Writing).
The tests will cover Literacy (Language Conventions, Writing and Reading) & Numeracy.
The results gained from the tests provide us with data that we analyse and then use to program appropriately for our students.
In certain circumstances, students can be withdrawn or exempted from the tests with parent permission.
Reasons may include: Philosophical or personal reasons; Students with a language other than English who have been in the country for less than 12 months; Students with significant intellectual disability.
If you would like to discuss a possible exemption or withdrawal for your child, or anything else in relation to the tests, please feel free to contact either myself or Bob Bowden before the end of this term (13th April).
Sebastian’s Adventures
I have had a lot of fun this term reading to the Reception classes and seeing the children’s passion and eagerness to want to learn to read themselves.
I have also really enjoyed watching my teddy, Sebastian go home with the children and then reading about his adventures over the weekends.
I know that he is very keen to go home with lots of other children.
This term, Sebastian has got up to lots of intersting things and I am looking forward to seeing what he gets up to next term!!!
Well done to our Athletics team that recently competed at the SAPSASA day where they finished second by only 4 points. Special thanks to Mr Burge who has been training the team from the start of the term. Please check out this newsletter for more information.
OSHC Vacation Care
A reminder that booking forms for Vacation Care are due. Please note that Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday of the first week are already full!!!
For further information please pop in a see our Director Melissa or phone the OSHC office on 8341 5350.
Earlier this week, we said goodbye to Mr Rob Wilson who is taking long service leave prior to his retirement. Rob has been teaching for over 35 years and during this time has had many roles in various schools across South Australia.
I know that the children will miss his sense of humour, kind and gentle manner and his story-telling abilities and I am sure that the staff, children and community will join me in wishing Rob all the very best for the future.
Last Day of Term
With the last week of this term upon us, please be aware that we finish early on the last day.
Our final assembly will commence at 1.25pm with dismissal at 2.00pm. We look forward to seeing you there.
There will be a brief newsletter on the final day.
Regards Mike