School Sport

Sailing Term 1
This term students from grades 5-7 have the opportunity to participate in a sailing programme supported and funded by the Federal Government’s Sporting Schools programme and the Largs Bay Sailing Club. We are really excited about providing the opportunity for our students to be involved in this programme. 21 students will learn to sail on Mondays after school for 3 weeks.
Thanks to the Largs Bay Sailing club for their support.
School Cricket
Saturday morning school cricket begins this week. We have entered a Kanga team, C grade and B grade teams. This year the format for the games has changed slightly to encourage greater participation for all players.
Thank you to the parents who have volunteered their time to coach and manage teams.
Please refer to the following website link for all details and programming information.
School Basketball
After school basketball will commence next week for our teams. We have approximately 70 players and 8 teams entered. It’s great to see so many of our students participating. Again thanks to our parent volunteers who support this programme and ensure the participation for our students.
SAPSASA Swimming
This week, we selected our SAPSASA swimming team for the upcoming Port SAPSASA carnival. Students born in 2007 and older were invited to trial. We wish them well for the carnival on Tuesday 21st Feb.
SAPSASA State Teams
Largs Bay provides the opportunity for students to participate in many SAPSASA events including Cross Country, Athletics, Softball, Cricket, Tennis, Football (AFL), Soccer and Hockey. Please find attached the 2017 SAPSASA calendar (with Port SAPSASA District events). Fliers will be given to interested students. District events (swimming, athletics and cross country) are limited to students 10 years old (born 2007) and older. SAPSASA State carnival teams are selected from students in year 6 & 7.
12 & Under state team information and nomination process is available on the DECD school sports website.
It is the responsibility of parents to nominate for state teams.
As a guide, nominations for team sports close a few days prior to the first trial and nominations for individual sports close soon after the championship.
Bike Education
This term our school will be participating in the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure’s (DPTI’s) Way2Go Bike Ed program. It is a practical program for our year 4 & 5 students delivered by qualified instructors. The program starts on Friday 24th Feb and runs until the end of term.
Students receive a Way2Go Bike Ed student learning journal and a bike check card that will record the roadworthiness check of her/his bike from the first session.
Through participating in Way2Go Bike Ed students:
build their knowledge and understanding of the road laws and traffic environments
develop bike handling and maintenance skills
develop decision making skills for off and on-road bike riding.
Rm 30 8:50 – 10:10am
Rm 31 10:10-10:30 & 10:50-11:50
Rm 32 11:50-12:30 & 1:20-1:50
Rm 33 1:50-3:00
Students will be expected to bring their bikes to school and lock them in the bike racks until their lessons.