Classroom News

Every Face Has a Place in Room 13
We have been very busy building the foundations for a successful year in room 13.
We have been getting to know each other through games, art, purposeful play and writing about our friends. Learning about each other and building a strong sense of community in our class ensures everyone feels valued and connected.
Here is Riki-Lee, Nicholas, Kate, Thomas, Joel, Alexis and Edward holding their
self-portraits that they created as part of our ‘Every face has a place’ art activity.
Room 30
Last week our class did a STEM Spaghetti and Marshmallow challenge. Our task was to create the tallest tower using only 20 pieces of spaghetti, string and sticky tape that would support one large marshmallow on the top. The first time we did the challenge, we found it quite difficult, especially as most of our towers fell over once we put the marshmallow on. However, the second time around, we were also allowed to use 15 mini-marshmallows. We used our problem solving skills and all groups were successful the second time!
Room 26
To begin our year in ‘The Zone’ we have been concentrating on setting goals that we want to achieve during 2017. As a group ‘The Zone’ has designed a class motto and some non-negotiables. This has allowed all of our students to contribute their ideas. To help achieve our goals throughout 2017, ‘The Zone’ has decided to create either a 7,17 or a 2017 that shows all our goals and a little bit about ourselves. Another activity we completed was our ‘I know I am a star in the zone because’ which was deciding which of our characteristics made us an important member of ‘The Zone’. These are all important tasks which we have used to help develop a positive learning culture which is focused on all students achieving success!
Avah and Amelie (Room 26)
Room 3
We are bucket fillers!
During the beginning of the term we have been learning about being kind and respectful to others. Together the children and I have read the book ‘Have you filled a Bucket Today?’, which has been fantastic for students to understand how to be a great bucket filler. Each student made their own bucket and together we shared and discussed a time that they helped to fill someone’s bucket.
“Going to the park fills my bucket. We like to get ice-creams after” - Hendrix
“Playing with my friend Willow fills my bucket”. - Shelby
Room 20
In Room 20 we have been learning a secret code called rainbow facts that helps us when adding numbers. Rainbow facts are 2 numbers that add to 10. We used our hands to work out our rainbow facts.
Room 32
In our class we had a real challenge. We used teamwork to save Fred the worm. We had to rescue him off his ‘boat’ (plastic cup) and put him in his ‘lifejacket’ (burger ring) only using paper clips. It was tricky but working together we got the job done!
Room 22
STEM Challenge
Room 22 worked in small engineering teams to construct the longest paper chain from an A4 piece of paper. Students needed to work together to problem solve, think critically and be persistent.
The engineers had to communicate with each other non-verbally. They did a wonderful job and constructed some lengthy chains.