Achievement Awards

At our assemblies some students receive special awards. This is recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff. Congratulations to the following students.
Room 3 - Lachlan - for showing responsibility in the classroom and helping others
Room 3 - Ellie - for showing great persistence and having a go
Room 4 - Stanley - for showing responsibility and being a leader in the classroom
Room 4 - Tilley - for showing responsibility and being a leader in the classroom
Room 5 - Sisqo - for being persistent and brave in settling into school
Room 5 - Nina - for being persistent and brave in settling into school
Room 5A - Ziggy - for showing persistent in his morning routine
Room 5A - Isabella - for being persistent and brave in settling into school
Room 10 - Willis - for demonstrating high levels of responsibility towards the management of the class
Room 10 - Emily - for taking the responsibility necessary to make a smooth transition into year 6
Room 11 - Isabella - for showing initiative, responsibility and positivity in the classroom
Room 11 - Taiga - for showing initiative, responsibility and positivity in the classroom
Room 13 - Gwenaisha - for showing persistence in her morning routine
Room 13 - Ryder - for showing persistence in his morning routing
Room 14 - Jaiya - for being organised and helpful
Room 14 - Sam - for being an organised and helpful member of our class
Room 16 - Ethan - for always showing respect to the teacher and others in the classroom
Room 16 - Isabel - for always being a responsible leader in the classroom and the yard
Room 17 - Gracy - for showing responsibility in the classroom and helping others
Room 17 - Lachlan - for showing responsibility in the classroom and helping others
Room 19 - Lachlan - for respecting his class mates and getting along with others
Room 19 - Bailee - for showing persistence and giving things a go
Room 20 - Milla - for demonstrating responsibility in her approach to her learning
Room 20 - Nate - for demonstrating respect towards his peers and teachers
Room 22 - Matilda - for demonstrating responsibility in her morning routine
Room 22 - Rhys - for persisting with his writing and giving new tasks to go with a positive mindset
Room 23 - Hensley - for demonstrating respect and kindness towards his classmates and teachers
Room 23 - Della - for demonstrating persistence with her writing and having a growth mindset when faced with new tasks
Room 26 - Aidan - for demonstrating persistence in his transition into Year 6
Room 26 - Jace - for always showing respect and continuing to persist on all tasks
Room 27 - Lachlan - for persisting with his writing and approaching his schooling with a more positive mindset
Room 27 - BJ - for constantly showing respect to all peers and approaching her schooling with enthusiasm
Room 29 - Charlie - for always displaying persistence in completing tasks to a high standard
Room 29 - Isabella - for taking responsibility for her learning and setting high standards
Room 30 - Liam - for always showing respect to the teacher and classmates and persisting in all tasks
Room 30 - Nykita - for showing persistence with her Literacy and Maths and always having a positive mindset
Room 31 - Caitlin - for showing responsibility with her learning
Room 31 - Rome - for showing respect to all members of the school community
Room 32 - Sam - for showing respect to all members of his class
Room 32 - Taneliya - for demonstrating responsibility in her approach to her learning
Room 33 - Elektra - for being responsible and focused on learning tasks
Room 33 - Ava - for demonstrating great organisation skills
Indonesian - Room 31 - for being responsible and persistent learners
HASS - Room 13 & 14 - for excellent planning and making a display of their family
OSHC Award
Thomas - Room 13
For always being kind and inclusive of others