Korean Student Teachers

Dear Families,
As we come to the end of the first 3 weeks I am very proud of the way in which the children have settled back into school routines. The past few weeks have been very much about “setting the scene” through our success & learning program and providing the children with strategies and tools to maximise their learning. This week, our literacy and numeracy blocks have commenced. We have very high expectations for all our children and will continue a number of strategies and structures to support their learning.
A reminder that our Playgroup is on every Tuesday from 8.50 am to 10.20am in Room 8.
New families are always welcome.
Please see Tania Schwenke for further details.
Acquaintance Night / AGM
Thank you to all those that came along to the Acquaintance Night and to those that stayed for the AGM.
The number of families that took the time to come along and meet their child’s/ren’s teacher/s was exceptional.
Your support for both your children and the school is greatly appreciated.
Thank you also to the parents that have nominated to be on Governing Council. A list of members will be sent out in the near future.
Year 6/7 Roles
Once again, we have set up leadership roles for our year 6 & 7 students. The Largs Bay Leadership Program enables the students to apply for positions such as Media Officers, Canteen Monitors, Resource Centre Officers, Student Mentors, Student Voice Executive, Environmental Officers, Graduation Committee & Public Relations Officers. Applications included addressing the job criteria as well as providing referee statements. We have been overwhelmed by the number of applications. This is a very clear indication of the pride that these students have in their school and their passion to be school leaders.
Congratulations to all of them.
Korean Student Teachers
Over the past 3 weeks we have been privileged to have 7 student teachers in their second and third year of study from Korea. They have visited most classes throughout the school, talking about their culture and showing the children how to write in Korean. We have been honoured to have them at Largs Bay and wish each of them every success in their future endeavours.
Traffic & Car Parking
It is not unusual that traffic around the school is congested during drop-off and pick-up times. However, regardless of this, we need to ensure that our children are safe when entering or leaving the school. There are ways that we can reduce the bottlenecks if some simple steps are followed:
- Abide by all the signage around the school
- Kiss and Drop zones have a maximum of 3 minutes standing time
- Traffic should flow in an anti-clockwise direction around the school - eg
Fletcher Rd Junction St Lincoln St
Do not stop in the middle of roads to pick up / drop off children
I cannot stress enough the importance of always being vigilant and respectful of others when dropping off or picking up children. Thank you for your co-operation.
Dress Code
A reminder that we have a compulsory School Uniform / Dress Code Policy. This is available on our website www.largsbayr7.sa.edu.au. If you require a copy of the Dress Code, please ask at the front office.
There are some articles of clothing that are unacceptable, including anything that does not cover both shoulders, denim, snap pants (including shorts), clothing deemed by staff to display offensive or suggestive comments, shoes that may easily slip off, jewellery and make-up. Students with long hair may be asked to tie it back.
Thank you for your support.
Regards Mike