50 Year Reunion

Class of 1968 50 Year Reunion
A group of women from the Class of 1968 met for lunch at 162 Beach Street Frankston on Tuesday November 13th to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of our final year at the college. Whilst we are now mostly retired we have worked in a variety of fields and have left our mark on the world. Many of us had not seen each other since we left school and we had much to catch up on. There was lots of laughter and loud talking as we discussed our lives, families, travels and pursuits throughout the years. Of course our memories of school were also enthusiastically aired! We shared photos, old report cards and anecdotes which reminded us of times back then. Thank you to Yvonne Robertson Wood for organising a specific face book page for our year, for photos and a means of contact in the future.
We hope to catch up again more frequently and to spread the word to others who may not have known of this reunion.
Margaret Roper nee Brooks