Kilbreda's Official Opening and Blessing of the New Auditorium

On Monday 15 October, a wonderful and fitting celebration took place to open and bless the new auditorium here at Kilbreda College. In opening this auditorium, we proudly recognised over 114 years of education in the Brigidine Tradition here at the College. It was a privilege to welcome our guests on the evening, including members of Kildare Ministries, the Brigidine Community, past principals of Kilbreda College, staff, students and their families, past pupils and those who have generously sponsored seats in the new auditorium.
Guests gathered for light refreshments in the Kildare Centre where Kilbreda’s very talented String Ensemble entertained them.
Co-Principal Nicole Mangelsdorf commenced proceedings in the auditorium with the blessing ceremony led by Rev Dr Michael McEntee, Parish Priest of Mentone and Parkdale. Father McEntee led the blessing of the auditorium with a prayer and a reflection. The auditorium was officially opened by Sr Maree Marsh csb and Rosemary Copeland, Co-chairs of the Kildare Ministries Trustees.
This was followed by a celebratory concert that showcased the many talents of Kilbreda College students both past and present. Hosts for the evening were Kilbreda’s College Co-Captains, Eliza and Katherine. The audience was then treated to a variety of musical and dance performances from over seventy students across the year levels. Some of the many highlights of the evening was having past pupils Amanda and Samantha Hargreaves return to the College to perform Somewhere Over the Rainbow from ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and the classical piece Les Berceaux by Gabriel Fauré.
Our students were shining examples of all that Kilbreda College embodies and it was an event that all responded to with excitement and awe. Many congratulatory messages have since been received by the College including this from Michael Doyle, Chair of the Kildare Education Ministries Board “Congratulations on a great opening of your auditorium last evening. It was beautifully managed and presented. So many talented students!”
Nicole Mangelsdorf
Rhian Lawrence
Marketing Officer