Alfred PARTY Program

On Tuesday 24th July, year 11 VCAL students visited Eastbank in Shepparton to participate in The Alfred PARTY Program.
The PARTY Program stands for Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth. PARTY is an initiative of the National Trauma Research Institute developed and licensed in Canada 30 years ago and has been running at The Alfred since 2009.
This is the second time that PARTY has been run at Eastbank here in Shepparton, with all local schools participating in the important teachings of the day.
The Alfred Hospital worked together with GV Health, Police, Ambulance and victims of trauma to provide students with knowledge of the potential risks that can occur. Students rotated between different learning experiences which highlighted the consequences of choices and the effect of trauma on individuals.
The rotations consisted of:
Emergency Room nurse discussion on the effect of trauma and the types of patients and trauma that present to the Alfred Emergency Department
A mock Emergency ward, where students were able to see what happens to patients when they are brought into the emergency department. Students played the role of doctors and nurses and saw what care needed to be provided to patients
A mock Intensive Care Unit, where students were able to see what was required to maintain a patients life in an intensive care ward.
Ambulance Victoria staff spoke about their experiences and showed the students the ‘Chain of Survival’', so that they would have some knowledge of what to do in an emergency, or first aid situation.
A survivor of road trauma told the story of a small mistake that had massive consequences for him, when he crashed into a truck on the way to work.
Students were shown by Trauma Ward Nurses the types of equipment and what it is used for in a Trauma ward. Nurses decribed the different types of patients and injuries they may care for.
A Physiotherapist from The Alfred worked with the students to show them what it is like to try to get back to an individuals normal functioning as well as the different aids that people might need to utilise to get back to normal functioning.
The feedback was very positive from all students, while the emphasis from staff, not missed by the students, was on how the impact of choices can have major consequences.
Students fully participated in the program, as illustrated in the photo’s that came from the day!
Mark Metcalf
School Nursing Program