
Head Lice
Some parents have notified the school regarding head lice infestations. Remember head lice can infest anyone at any time. Please check your student - meanwhile please read the information attached regarding treating and controlling to prevent further outbreaks.
Media Release - Victoria Police
Greater Shepparton Police want to hear your safety issues...
Fairley's SUPA IGA
Community rewards fundraising program, double school points now on until September 30th 2018. To find out how you can donate, ask in store.
Child Dental Benefit Scheme
Aust Air Force Cadets
Now recruiting!
20th Farm & Road Safety Expo
Rotary Club of Rochester Tuesday 21st August 10-2:30pm Rochester Recreation Reserve. Aimed at accident prevention & safety. Free entry, loads of presenters.
Berry Street - Saver Plus
Could $500 help with school expenses?
Foster Carers Needed...
Information Night in Shepparton on 28th August 2018
Overseas Student Exchange
Student Exchange Aust/NZ
FREE Live online info session find out about discounts and scholarships and ask questions. Thursday, 16th August at 7.30pm Register now visit or call 0800 440 079 for more information
World Exchange Program (WEP) Ph 1300 884 733
Scholarships currently available at
Mooroopna Education & Activity Centre
Term 3 courses and activities
Tai Kwon Dow
Two Free Nights for Shepparton High School Students. Monday's 7pm - 8.30pm in Total Tracy. See Robert Farren there for more information.