From the Principal Team

This series of pathways events commenced on the evening of Thursday 2nd August with the Year 10/11/12 course selection evening. On the night attendees were provided with an overview of our 2019 courses in Years 10, 11 and 12.
Each main teaching area in the school was represented, providing advice to students and parents. We also had representatives from GoTAFE, Defence Force Australia, Latrobe University, and our Pathways Coordinators. Course Information handbooks were handed out on this night and students who have not received one can collect a copy from their Year Level Team Leader at school.
The year 9 into 10 and 10 into 11 Course Counselling took place on Thursday of this week. It was a fantastic opportunity for students and parents to meet with our career counsellors so that every student has a carefully thought out and planned career pathway. Representatives from GoTAFE were also present to help families complete the applications process for VET courses. A reminder to all year 9-11 students to have your subject selections completed online via by Friday 24th August.
XUNO LEARNING PORTAL Trouble logging in?
If you have lost your Parent Portal password or have trouble logging in, please either contact the school office on 5821 4322 or email the school at A new password will be emailed home to your address.
A reminder to parents that the school will be closed on Wednesday 22nd August. This day is one of the designated pupil free days by the DEECD. Our staff will use this day for Professional Learning activities focusing on Strategic Planning and Curriculum Development.
The last week of Term 3 has been set aside for work experience for Year 10. All students must undertake a work placement during the week September 17th-21st. Parents are asked to follow this up with their son/daughter to ensure they are making the necessary arrangements. Some students have already organised their placement for the week with the assistance of their parents or Mary-Ann Linehan.
Any student who is struggling to find a work placement should be discussing a possible placement with their Industry and Enterprise teacher or Mary-Ann as soon as possible. The placement can be anywhere in Victoria as long as the correct forms are completed and signed. Year 10 classes will still be scheduled for students that have completed their work experience or for students unable to organise a placement during this scheduled week.
Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents think of our school. The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents at each school.
It is designed to assist our school in gaining an understanding of parents’ perception of school climate, student engagement and relationships with our parent community. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
The survey will be conducted online by ORIMA Research Pty Ltd and only takes 15 minutes to complete. The survey can be accessed via desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile at any convenient time within the fieldwork period from Monday 23rd July to Sunday 26th August.
Approximately 30 per cent of parents have been invited to participate in this year’s survey. All responses to the survey are anonymous.
A considerable number of students across Australia have their educational progress adversely affected by parent-condoned absences. These absences are more often than not, unnecessary and for reasons fairly low on the ‘important to my future’ scale. Once it was the case, that students only missed school when they were genuinely ill, but now that has changed. Students are being allowed to stay away from school for an ever increasing number of excuses including:
• a day off for their birthday
• a day or days off because relatives are visiting
• a day off to be with parents at home
• a day off to look after younger brothers and sisters, or
• a day off to go shopping.
Every day a student is away, they are losing a learning experience. Over time, their knowledge base will be full of holes. Learning is sequential and attending three out of four lessons leaves gaping holes. To reach their potential at school, students need to attend regularly.
A few days off per year due to genuine illness may be necessary. However, a sobering fact is that in Australia today, the average student will lose one year of education (200 days) through parent condoned absences over their school career from Prep to Year 12. How could any student be expected to keep up with work in such circumstances? As parents, you have a critical role to play in protecting your own child’s future.
Absences can be minimised by arranging dental and doctor’s appointments after school or during the holidays – book ahead for school holidays later in the year. Please contact the school if your child will be missing school due to a family holiday/overseas travel so work can be prepared for your son/daughter during the absence. A form is available from the General Office to be filled in by the parent to support this process.
Shopping, helping at home, and visiting relatives may all seem important at the time – but not as important as a person’s future.
Parents and the school need to work together to help students to understand the importance of being at school whenever possible and that trivial reasons for absence are not sufficient to discharge a parents’ legal responsibilities.
Schools and parents have a legal responsibility to account for the whereabouts of young people daily (and in the evenings as well). After love and care the most important thing that we as parents can give our children is an education.
We all can work together to make a difference to your child’s future.
Be on time, be at school, that’s the rule!
Christine Cole Acting Principal
Amy Gallacher Acting Asst Principal
Julie Jerome Acting Asst Principal
Dates to Remember
August 13-17
Yr 11 into 12 Course Counselling (by appointment only)
August 24 Web preferences close Year 9-11
August 31 Period 1&2 Year 7 into 8
Subject Expo
August 31 Period 3&4 Year 8 into 9
Subject Expo
September 7 Web preferences close Year 7/8
Dates are correct at time of publishing but may be subject to change.
Before & After School
The school provides staff supervision for students arriving before school between 8.35am and 9.00am. After school supervision is provided between 3.16pm and 3.58pm.