School Wide 


Positive Behaviour Support


This term staff are focused on explicitly teaching and reinforcing the value and importance of respect.  Each week classes will explore the positive and respectful behaviours we expect students to demonstrate whilst being that role model of respect too.  Staff have analysed the PBS data that we collect and recognised that the oval is a place where students seem to lack the skills to resolve their conflict situations involving respect.  This week students will undertake activities like the following:

Students work together to write a script for a role play that details:

How students could respectfully ask someone to stop, but using more words, explaining why you would like them to stop, and what you would like them to do instead.

How students could respectfully react to being asked to stop - what sort of things could you say to react positively to being asked to stop?

Although students are familiar with the STOP, WALK, TALK routine... they still need practise to put it in place in the heat of the moment.  Encouraging students to use their voice and communicate respectfully is our focus.  Speak with your child about how their role play went.