Student Awards

Friday 20th September


Foundation    Connor


We are so proud of the resilience you showed on our excursion to Kew Traffic School. You never gave up riding the bike and kept on riding even when you found it tricky!! Well done!!


Junior  B  Mia

Mia it is always fantastic to see you trying your best and working well in class. You show good manners and respect to all your teachers and peers. Well Done!


Junior  A  Chloe

Chloe, what a 5 star learner you have been this week! You have been switched on, eager to participate and happy to share all your learning with everyone. It is an absolute pleasure to see you so engaged in your learning. Keep up the hard work and enthusiasm!


Junior  A  Vienna

Vienna, you showed amazing resilience and dedication to all our learning tasks this week. You have written some amazing poems this week and I really enjoyed reading them. Keep up the hard work, you are a super star!


Junior B  Cohen

Well done Cohen for showing resilience when you came across challenging tasks this week. You are striving to be the best that you can be. Keep up the hard work!


Middle  B  Andrea

You have demonstrated that hard work pays off and the resilience and excellence you have exercised has led to some fantastic results in both Reading and Maths Well done, Andrea!


Middle C   Sienna

It has been fantastic to see your commitment to nude food over the past two weeks. You have been a real role model for our class in caring for our environment. Keep it up!


Middle C  

Congratulations for being so resilient and respectful during the past four weeks. It has been wonderful to see you adapt to a new teacher in the classroom. Thank you for helping me learn, and keep up your amazing attitudes!


Senior  A     Kaylee

You showed some great thinking during our discussions about plastic pollution. It was fantastic to see you put your thoughts together in a persuasive argument that included a variety of techniques to engage the reader.


Senior  B    Candace

Candace, you go above and beyond with your learning when it comes to making sure your tasks are completed in a timely manner, and to a high standard. What a role model you are for showing excellence and resilience in your learning. Keep it up!


Senior  B   Charli

Charli, you go above and beyond with your learning when it comes to making sure your tasks are completed in a timely manner, and to a high standard. What a role model you are for showing excellence and resilience in your learning. Keep it up!


Choir   Abraham

Abraham, what a fantastic member of our Choir you are. You sing strong and proud and your enthusiasm keeps us all entertained. Your performance at production was amazing. Keep up the hard work, you are an excellent role model for all our choir singers.

Friday  11th October


 Foundation   Eva

Great work Eva when showing your resilience during Maths. It was great to see you keep a track of your thinking when you were skip counting. Keep up the positive attitude - well done!


Junior B  Lachlan

What a terrific first week of term you have had, Lachlan. You are focussed on your learning and giving it your best. Keep it up Lachlan!


Junior B   Emma

Emma you are a terrific role model of our values. You show respect to your classmates and to your learning by trying your best. Well Done!


Junior B  Lachlan

What a terrific first week of term you have had, Lachlan. You are focussed on your learning and giving it your best. Keep it up Lachlan!


Middle A  Mykayla

 You have been working really hard on your reading skills this week. You are showing excellent growth and should be very proud of your effort. Great work, Mykayla!


Middle A  Charlie

It’s fantastic to see you put in such great effort with your Maths work. You have listened carefully, participating enthusiastically, and showing that you can give it a go, even when it's tricky. Well done, Charlie!


Middle B  Edward

What a fantastic start to Term 4 Edward! You have demonstrated respect to all those around you and your resilience resulted in excellent participation in all areas of your work. Well done, Edward!


Middle  C   Cooper

You have shown excellence this week in your writing. Your persuasive letter from the Big Bad Wolf was well thought out and you used fantastic emotive language. Keep up the creative writing!


Senior  A   Jordan

You have made a great start to term 4! It has been good to see you working hard in Maths and developing your accuracy with measurement.


Senior  B    Tayha

Tayha, what a great first week you’ve had at KPS! You have already shown yourself to be a wonderful role model for our school values, and we look forward to having you as part of our class!


PE  Riley

For a fantastic start to PE for term 4. Always prepared to help out his classmates, listen, play by the rules and help out when required. Keep up the great work, Riley!